Written By:- Rebindranath Tagore
GSSS KOT BABA DEEP SINGH(B) Presented By:-Darshan Kaur Subject-English Class- 9 th
In this story written by Rabindanath Tagore there is a father/son duo named subalchandra and sushilchandra. Both are unsatisfied with this present lives.
Sushilchandra the son wanted full freedom so that he can do whatever he wants to, like playing whole day, climbing trees and missing school etc.
On the other hand his father subalchandra wanted to have his childhood back so that he could study sincerely to get proper education which he could not get because his parents pampered him too much during his child hood.
Sushil wishes to be of his father’s age to enjoy full freedom in his life
Both wish to be at the place of each other. The lady of wishes happened to pass their house and heard what the father ad son said. She fulfilled the wishes of both father and son.
The Godess of wishes fulfill their wishes
Now their wishes had come true but it only made trouble for them Sushilchandra Who wanted to play all the day and eat whatever he liked, was strangely hesitating to do these things because these activities could make him sick as his old body was not able to do these activities
At the same time subalchandra, who wished to study sincerely to get proper education if he got the chance to get his childhood back was uncharacteristically making lame excuses to skip the school and play all the day
Soon both realized that they had made a mistake and began to pray to the lady of wishes to make them what they were before.
Moral :- Satisfaction is the key to live happily because GOD have given everybody/ every Age what he or she/ it deserves.
Meanings Of The Words Frail: Weak Annoying: Making people angry Prank: Trick played on people as a joke Rheumatic: Suffering from painful joints Tummy-ache: Pain in the stomach Make-up: Invent an excuse In a fix: In a mess, in a bad situation Pampered: Spoilt
Meanings Of The Words Crack of dawn: Very early in the morning Seams: The line where two pieces of cloth are sewn together Yawned: Still sleepy, so opened mouth wide open to breathe deeply Mischief: Bad behavior that makes people angry Nothing agreed with: Made one feel ill or sick Swollen: Become bigger than normal Box ears: Pull someone’s ears
Fill the blanks 1) The story written by……………………………. 2) The father’s name is……………… and the son name is…………………………. 3) Sushil wishes to be of his father’s age to enjoy full………………… in his life. 4) Subalchandra wanted to have his………………… back. 5) Sushilchandra Who……………… to play all the day and eat whatever he liked. 6) The boy was always annoying the……………… with his pranks. 7) He loved…………… just as he hated the bitter………………. 8) He would climb………………, dive into the ……………. 9) All the little boys who had played……………… with Sushil. 10) Subal sit down with his slate and do ……………….
Answers 1) The story written by Rabindranath Tagore. 2) The father’s name is Subalchandra and the son name is Sushilchandra. 3) Sushil wishes to be of his father’s age to enjoy full freedom in his life. 4) Subalchandra wanted to have his childhood back. 5) Sushilchandra Who wanted to play all the day and eat whatever he liked. 6) The boy was always annoying the neighbor with his pranks. 7) He loved toffees just as he hated the bitter medicine. 8) He would climb trees, dive into the pool. 9) All the little boys who had played kabaddi with Sushil. 10) Subal sit down with his slate and do sums.
Exercise Q.1- Why did Sushilchanda’s neighbors get angry with him ? Q.2- Why did Sushil not want to go to school one Saturday ? What happened then ? Q.3- Why did the Lady of Wishes to both the father and the son ? Q.4- What changes took place in Sushil ? Q.5- What happened to Subalchandra after his wish was granted ? Q.6- Why was Sushil kept busy in the evening ? Q.7- Was Subalchandra happy with the change ? Why ? Q.8- What happened when the lady of Wishes changed them once more ?
Bibliography googleimages.com Text book of english grammar of 9 th class. storydetail.com