BIBLICAL AND THEOLOGICAL RESOURCES FOR ENGAGING IN ADAPTIVE CHANGE Bishop’s Convocation Lower Susquehanna Synod, ELCA By: Craig Van Gelder, Ph.D. Copyright 2011 Craig Van Gelder
What if... the Spirit of God is in the midst of the disruption? Copyright 2011 Craig Van Gelder
THE BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY “Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, to all the exiles whom I have sent into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: Build houses... plant gardens... take wives... have sons and daughters... seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare. Jer. 29:4-7 Dislocation No temple and sacrifices No national symbols Loss of familiar identity Discovery Re-claimed the biblical narrative—their true story Re-framed the faith into a synagogue tradition Re-located in diaspora across known world Copyright 2011 Craig Van Gelder
THE CHURCH IN ANTIOCH “Now those who were scattered because of the persecution that took place over Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch, and they spoke the word to no one except Jews. But among them were some men of Cyprus and Cyrene who, on coming to Antioch, spoke to the Hellenists also, proclaiming the Lord Jesus. The hand of the Lord was with them...” (Acts 11:19-21) Jerusalem Church Tied to the temple Grace through faith plus keeping the law A Jewish-Christian faith Antioch Church Cross-cultural gospel— sending church Grace through faith alone Hellenization of Christian faith Copyright 2011 Craig Van Gelder
THE ADAPTIVE CHANGE PROCESS God’s ordinary people... Participating in Spirit-led communal discernment... Utilizing an action-learning approach... To engage in a variety of experiments... For discovering new ways to address the adaptive challenges confronting them. Copyright 2011 Craig Van Gelder
Drawing on Trinitarian Perspectives for Engaging Adaptive Challenges Copyright 2011 Craig Van Gelder
The Western Tradition: God Is a Sending God “For God so loved the world that God gave (sent) God’s only Son...” (John 3:16) “And the Word became flesh and lived among us...” (John 1:14) Copyright 2011 Craig Van Gelder
Reclaiming Western Tradition: A Missionary, Sending God Western Tradition - A God Who Calls, Gathers, and Sends the Church Into the World – missio Dei in relation to Kingdom of God missio Dei in relation to Kingdom of God Emphasis on: One nature of God: Economic Trinity One nature of God: Economic Trinity Sending aspect of God Sending aspect of God Father sends SonFather sends Son Father/Son send SpiritFather/Son send Spirit Son through Spirit sends churchSon through Spirit sends church Copyright 2011 Craig Van Gelder
The Eastern Tradition: God Is a Relational God “I ask... that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us...” (John 17:20-21) Copyright 2011 Craig Van Gelder
Reclaiming Eastern Tradition: An In-Relation God Eastern Tradition – A God Who Exists as a Social Community Invites a reconciled world into full communion Invites a reconciled world into full communion Emphasis on: The three persons of the Godhead The three persons of the Godhead Perichoresis—the in- relationship communion of the three persons Perichoresis—the in- relationship communion of the three persons RelationalityRelationality EqualityEquality CommunityCommunity The Old Testament Trinity (c.1411) icon by Andrei Rublev The Old Testament Trinity (c.1411) icon by Andrei Rublev Copyright 2011 Craig Van Gelder
IMPLICATIONS FOR THE CHURCH OF A PERICHORETIC, SENDING GOD God is a relational God – therefore the church lives as reconciled community God is a missionary God – therefore the church is missionary by nature God has a mission in which the church participates Missio Dei – ministry in the world for the sake of the world in light of God’s creating purposes Missio Dei – ministry in the world for the sake of the world in light of God’s creating purposes Kingdom on God (redemptive reign of God in Christ) – the church becomes God’s agency of reconciliation in the world Kingdom on God (redemptive reign of God in Christ) – the church becomes God’s agency of reconciliation in the world Copyright 2011 Craig Van Gelder
Addressing Adaptive Challenges from Missional Trinitarian Perspectives Copyright 2011 Craig Van Gelder
Implication One: The Church Is Missionary by Nature The church is created by the Spirit Both Holy And Human Both Holy And Human The nature/identity of the missional church informs its doing and purpose Leadership and organization seek to steward God’s agency Leadership and organization seek to steward God’s agency What is God up to?What is God up to? What does God desire to do?What does God desire to do? Copyright 2011 Craig Van Gelder
Implication Two: World Is The Horizon of God’s Mission God has a mission in the world – missio Dei Care of all creation Care of all creation Redemption brought to bear on all of life Redemption brought to bear on all of life The missional church seeks to participate in God’s mission Leadership & Organization shaped eschatologically Leadership & Organization shaped eschatologically JBGTFJBGTF EucharistEucharist Copyright 2011 Craig Van Gelder
Implication Three: Every Context Is A Mission Location Discovering Northern America as mission field How has God been at work? How has God been at work? How is God at work today? How is God at work today? Missional Leadership learns to read its context Sociologically Sociologically Theologically Theologically Copyright 2011 Craig Van Gelder
Implication Four: Kenotic/Cruciform Leadership Missional Leadership Moves from Benefactor to Bearing—the true meaning of servant leadershipMissional Leadership Moves from Benefactor to Bearing—the true meaning of servant leadership “Let the same mind be in you...” (Philippians 2)“Let the same mind be in you...” (Philippians 2) Foot washing (John 13)Foot washing (John 13) “I am among you as one who serves” (Luke 22)“I am among you as one who serves” (Luke 22) Transformational leadership (James MacGregor Burns, Leadership)Transformational leadership (James MacGregor Burns, Leadership) Giving the work back to the people (Heifetz & Linsky, Leadership on the Line)Giving the work back to the people (Heifetz & Linsky, Leadership on the Line) “We become most powerful when“We become most powerful when we give our own power away.” (Kouzes & Posner, Leadership Challenge) Copyright 2011 Craig Van Gelder
Implication Five: The Church Is A Relational Community God is a relational community – the Social Trinity Leadership and organization attend to a community being formed by God’s Spirit Relational Community formed around fruit of the Spirit Relational Community formed around fruit of the Spirit Relational Community formed through the gifts of the Spirit Relational Community formed through the gifts of the Spirit Copyright 2011 Craig Van Gelder
Implication Six: Cultivating a Community of Disciples Forming, shaping a community of disciples (learners) in image of divine communityForming, shaping a community of disciples (learners) in image of divine community Baptism/Vocation—the world is the larger horizonBaptism/Vocation—the world is the larger horizon (1 st order Anglican/Episcopal; office every believer CRC)(1 st order Anglican/Episcopal; office every believer CRC) Leadership moves from professional expert to convener; from counselor or entrepreneur to gardener (Scott Cormode)Leadership moves from professional expert to convener; from counselor or entrepreneur to gardener (Scott Cormode) Copyright 2011 Craig Van Gelder
Implication Seven: The Church Values Difference An “irreducible otherness” among the three persons in the Godhead Holiness heterogeneous not homogeneous Missional leadership seeks out and includes “otherness” Diversity is a deep value Diversity is a deep value Learning from the “other” Learning from the “other” Experiencing reciprocity Experiencing reciprocity Copyright 2011 Craig Van Gelder
Implication Eight: The Church Lives in Mutuality The relationships within the Godhead embrace equality Leadership cultivates and organization supports relationships that are: Non-hierarchical Non-hierarchical Mutually supportive Mutually supportive Reciprocal Reciprocal Copyright 2011 Craig Van Gelder
Pointing Beyond Ourselves “But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us.” – 2 Corinthians 4:7 “As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one.” – John 17:21b-22 Copyright 2011 Craig Van Gelder
Discussion: Which implication(s) best help to frame and address the adaptive challenge you identified? Copyright 2011 Craig Van Gelder