3 rd Quarter Project AP Spanish Block 7 Spanish Speaking Country: __________________ by _________________ Approved by Sra Olsen on ________ 1
Description WHO This project may be a group project of up to 2 people. Classtime (February 2nd) will be dedicated to coordinating with other students, conducting research in language lab and getting assistance from teacher in Lab 203. Remainder of the project must be prepared at home. WHAT Subject must be approved by Sra. Olsen by Wed, February 8. Examples: Spain, Mexico, Peru …. WHEN Written Project (in Spanish only) is due in word format (250 word minimum) on February 27 th. Oral Project (in Spanish only) must be presented in PowerPoint format to the class on February 27 th or on February 29th. See sign up sheet. 2
Outline for Written Project I. Forms of government · Name of president/dictator/ruling group/political party II. Background · History · Social and environmental issues · Famous writer · Languages spoken besides Spanish III. Geographical makeup · Coasts, mountains, deserts, valleys, etc. IV. Economy · Major imports/exports · Agriculture · Tourism V. Customs and Traditions · Religions · Major national holidays · Typical foods. VI. Section of your choice: include interesting, intriguing and/or unusual findings about this country. 3
Outline for Oral Presentation Follow the outline of your written project. This time with the goal to entice other students to travel to your chosen country. The PowerPoint presentation will be graded not only on the content (information), but also on how well it is put together, choice of illustrations and images, organization of the information, the way it is presented to the class, and overall impression on the class. One of your goals is to make the students want to travel to this country. This project is designed for a small group of 1 or 2 students to conduct an Internet-based research on a Spanish-speaking country. This project is also a contest. Your group must convince the rest of the class that your trip was better than the other groups. At the end of every presentation, the class will vote on the best trip/presentation. The winning group will earn 5% extra credit on their project. 4
Description HOW Oral presentation: Powerpoint, notecards, props, in-person demonstration… Written presentation: may be submitted electronically to Sra Olsen at or in paper format anytime prior to due date. Written presentation must be a minimum of 250 words, typed and in Spanish. PENALTIES: – late work = - 10% of grade – Submitting another person’s work: F and Referral to Assistant Principal for Disciplinary Action. – Please be sure to cite your sources. – Using Google translation (or any other electronic translator) for translation of sentences: F and Referral to Assistant Principal for Disciplinary Action. Use of on-line dictionaries is permitted to look words up, but not to translate sentences. – Remember penalties are in place to help you submit your own work. An A project does not need to be flawless, it needs to be at level and yours. When in doubt ask Sra. Olsen. I’m looking forward to seeing your project. Enjoy the research! 5
Written PresentationIn Spanish Only Spelling /4 Grammar /25 All 6 sections fully addressed /65 Bibliography /2 Typed /2 250 word minimum /2 Written Project Rubric Name: ____________Country: ___________ Block 7 6
Oral Presentation Rubric Name: __________________Country: ___________________Block 7 7 Below Standard pts. Meets Standard pts. Exceeds Standard pts. Points Possible 100 Presentation Trouble stating facts. Presenter’s voice too low or soft; making it difficult to understand. Little to no eye contact with audience. Presenter’s voice clear. Audience members able to hear and understand information. Some eye contact with the audience. Presenter’s clear voice was at proper volume. All audience members able to hear and understand the information. A lot of eye contact with the audience. /25 Organization Poor organization. Presentation and/or display out of sequence. Presenters seemed somewhat lost. Little to no evidence of enough time spent preparing. Some organization. Presentation and displays seemed organized. Presenters had knowledge of information being presented. Evidence of time spent preparing. Well organized project. Fluid transition between category information. A lot of evidence of time spent preparing. Organized display of information. /25 Information/ Research Very little information provided. Half or less than half categories/ information provided. Not much time spent researching information. Most information provided. Almost all categories covered. Evidence that some time was spent researching information. All information provided. All categories were well covered. Evidence that plenty of time was spent researching for information. /25 Display/ Material Poorly put together display. Information poorly displayed. Trouble understanding information displayed. Little to no materials used. Little to no images provided. Average display. Information legible (able to read). Able to understand most information displayed. Some images provided to illustrate information. Well put together display. Information easy to understand. Plenty of images and illustration provided. /25 Total Score /100
Sign up Sheet Oral presentation 3 rd Quarter Project Feb 27, 2012 SubjectGroup Members 8
Sign up Sheet Oral presentation 3 rd Quarter Project Feb 29, 2012 SubjectGroup Members 9