Stage 13 Bee: Conditionals
Objectives Compare values using the = operator Translate spoken language conditional statements into a program Identify when a conditional can be used to deal with unknown values Execute an algorithm with a conditional statement Solve puzzles using a combination of looped sequences and conditionals
Computer Time Login Open icon to Mozilla Firefox Username: bsmedia Password: Press Enter Open icon to Mozilla Firefox Login into Start Stage 13 Bee: Conditionals Answer the first two questions Stop for video:
conditionals Equal to (=) means it has to be that number If nectar = 1 then get nectar What happens if nectar is 1? What happens if nectar is 0? Greater Than (>) means it has to be bigger than that number, that number is not included If nectar > 1 then get nectar What happens if nectar is 2? Less Than (<) means it has to be smaller than that number, that number is not included If nectar < 4 then get nectar? What happens if nectar is 7? What happens if nectar is 4?
Computer Time Finish Stage 13 Bee: Conditionals Answer the two questions Stop at Stage 14 Binary Bracelets