This is the story of Wu, a boy who became a great courtier in China because of his wisdom.This wisdom was given to him by the yellow storm dragon.
At thirteen,Wu was a silent,dreamy boy, who had been brought up by his father, Yin and his grandmother. His mother had died when Wu was very young.It was his habit to sit,think and observe things.
One day, came a handsome youth riding a white horse and wearing yellow garments.Four attendants accompanied him and one of them had an umbrella,to shield the youth from the sun’s bright rays.The Youth stopped at Wu’s gate and said to Wu,“ I m weary. May I enter your father’s house and rest a while?”
The handsome youth dismounted and sat in the garden,while his servants attended to the horse. Yin chatted with the guest and invited him for a meal while Wu gazed at them silently. When the meal was over, the youth thanked Yin for his hospitality and walked across the garden. Wu noticed the umbrella upside down and then moved on.
When the youth had mounted his horse, he turned to Wu and gave him a piece of armour from the horse ‘s back and said, “Thank you, Wu. Keep this, and I shall remember you.”Wu bowed and answered, “ You’re welcome!”Wu watched them until they dissapeared.Later, Wu said, “The noble youth knew my name and yet I have never seen him before. Their clothes had no stitches. The white horse had spots of five colours ; it also had heavy armour of solid metal instead of hair. The horse’s hoofs and the strangers ‘ feet did not touch the ground.
Yin jumped up and exclaimed, “Then they aren’t human beings, but spirits”. Wu continued “I watched them as they went west ward. Rain clouds were gathering there, and when they were faraway, they all rose in the air and vanished into the clouds.”When Wu’s grandmother heard this, she explained, “The horse is a dragon horse. When spirits appear before humans they wear special garments. That's why the clothing of your visitors had no stitches. The youth was the Yellow Dragon. As he had four followers with him today, the storms will be a great one. May we all be safe!”
Wu added that one of the strangers had turned the umbrella upside down before passing through the gate. “That is a good sign,” she said.Heavy clouds began gathering in the sky. Yin and Wu decided to sit up all night. The storm burst in all its fury. The thunder rolled, the lightning flamed, and the rain flooded the rivers, which destroyed the lands.
That night, the cottage was entire surrounded by water. “We cannot escape now,” cried Yin. Wu said, “I have just seen the dragon. As I looked upwards, he spread out his wings above our home. He’s protecting us now.” “Alas! My son, you’re dreaming,” Yin listened care fully and said, “You said the truth, my son. This is indeed marvellous and all because you welcomed the dragon!’
The storm finally ended. The next day,the emperor heard that no rain on Yin’s house during the storms. He sent for Yin and Wu. “Show me the piece of armour,” the emperor ordered. When Wu opened the box, the armour shone brightly. The impressed emperor announced, “Wu shall remain here and become one of my courtiers as the yellow dragon has given him power and wisdom.” Thereafter, with his wisdom and the powers gifted to him by the Yellow Storm Dragon, Wu served the emperor for many years.