The Grapes of Wrath Ondřej Škarka II.A
The author – John Steinbeck Steinbeck was born on 27 th Ferbuary 1902 in Salinas, California He was from middle-class family and he wanted to be a journalist He had many jobs: a fruit picker, a builder and a ranch worker –he took inspiration from these jobs His novel wasn´t taken positively – there were many ugly thuths about bad situations and kinds of living that a lot of people wanted to keep secret He won many prizes including The Nobel price for Literature (1962) He died in New York on 20 th December 1968 His other famous works are: Tortilla Flat (1935), Of Mice and Men (1937), The Red Pony (1948), The Pearl (1949), East of Eden (1952)
Plot summary The Joad family (Mother, Father, son Tom, Noah and Al, daughter Rosasharn with her husband Connie, childern Ruthie and Winfield, Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle John) was in Great Depression. Tom Joad came from the prison to his family. They wanted to go to California for job and food. They took very and difficult journey where there were many troubles and starvations. They met many families with the same idea to go to California and other people who were coming back. The Joad family came into the camps, where there were many working people but with low payout, so they moved on. In the end, they settled in the cotton ranch, but it started to rain and it began to flood. It meant, that every cotton was wet and rotted – no chance to earn money…
Likes/Dislikes I very liked the atmosphere where the story was taken, because it added more sence in understanding. Details, which made the enviroment better. The fact, that it was in real situation and time. I disliked many persons who made the situations complicated.
The End