IEA HPP Annex 28 Calculation of compact units Workshop IEA HPP Annex 28 8 th International Heat Pump Conference, Las Vegas, 30 May 2005 Thomas Afjei, Institute of Energy, University of Applied Sciences Basel IEA HPP Annex 28 N 140
2 Outline of the presentation Introduction compact units System layout of compact units Approach for the calculation
3 Introduction compact units Background In low- and ultra-low energy dwellings, significantly reduced heating energy requirement Air-tight buildings => usually equipped with mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery Share of domestic hot water energy requirement increasing up to 50% (ultra-low energy houses) High insulation and high passive solar gains => eventually comfort cooling demand in summertime
4 Conclusion system layout Compact unit Highly integrated system layout with core elements Heat pump Domestic hot water storage Ventilation heat recovery system Optional solar collector Air heating systems and/or systems with hydronic distribution Optional cooling function in summertime
5 Principle of system layout Source: Viessmann
6 Consequences calculation Heat recovery Energy requirement: Reduction of energy demand by recovery of ventilation losses Electrical expense for the operation of the ventilation system Source temperature: heat recovery influences source temperature of the heat pump ground-to-air heat exchanger influences source temperature
7 Assumptions calculation Operation Heating energy requirement is covered in the order: 1. heat recovery (running through in the heating period) 2. heat pump 3. back-up heater Domestic hot water energy requirement is covered in the order: 1. solar collector (optional) 2. heat pump 3. back-up heater
8 Additional input data for compact units Heat recovery: key value: temperature change coefficient temperature difference outside-supply air temperature difference return-outside air OA = Temperature change coefficient mass flow rates electricity input for ventilation
9 Additional input data for compact units Solar energy system: solar collector characteristics, meteo data Ground-air heat exchanger: outlet temperature (if not already considered in performance characteristics, see testing method HTA Lucerne)
10 HP calculation method compact units ambient dry bulb temperature [°C] OP 2 OP 1 heat recovery Reduction of heating energy requirement lower inlet temperature to heat pump Upper ambient temperature for heating OP 4 Domestic hot water covered by heat pump and back-up domestic hot water energy requirement partly covered by solar contribution (optional) BU OP 3 design outdoor temperature Balance point temperature HP Space Heating DHW HR HRHR S S S Heating requirement covered by heat pump and back-up BU Design indoor temperature
11 Thank you for your attention!