1 Physical Plant Department Organizational Needs Presentation Sal Chiarelli, Director of Physical Plant March 14, 2007
2 Physical Plant Department 268 Full and Part Time Employees Heat Plant(11) HVAC(14) Controls(5) Plumbing(13) Electric shop(11) CPR Shop(18) Custodial(106) Davis(1) Events(8) TCO Asbestos/Lead(10) Automotive (3) Medical Complex(15) Recycling Sol. Waste(6) Administration(12) Energy Management(1) Service Ops.(2) Material Mangmnt (3) Grounds/Moving(16) Project Management(2) Med. Complex Proj.(6) Trinity(5)
4 Mission To maintain facilities, perform related services and provide responsible stewardship of the University of Vermont’s physical assets in support of the University’s mission. Vision To be a highly effective facilities organization through: –Continuous improvement and innovation –Maximizing resources –Encouraging employee growth and job satisfaction –Promoting the values of UVM’s Common Ground and supporting the needs of the Campus Community
5 Functional Areas Of Responsibility Chart functional areas 7_05111.jpg
6 Some Current Physical Plant Issues And Challenges. Deferred Maintenance Longer hours of operation 24/7 More events/set ups Research requires less tolerance for down time Energy efficiency/Global Warming Higher than average turnover Limited maintenance space New codes/regulatory requirements Operating dollar increase not keeping pace with market Significantly less management of the Physical Plant as a result of cuts Greater liability for not getting it done Facilities more technically complex Tight labor pool in Burlington Vermont Area
7 What Else Is Makes our Job Challenging More Research facilities All spaces open to all people Eating/drinking in all spaces appear to be a status quo More access to food and drink all over campus More utilization of space Everyone wants Air Conditioning There is a general feeling that all services should be free Buildings are getting older/ Competing for one pot of dollars against other important projects Limited IT resources in AFS What’s chargeable and what is not
8 Why Do We Need To Adjust Our Staffing Provide Excellent Service Service Level Expectation (see chart) No identified internal engineering resource Utility system becoming more complex and critical Keep newer buildings operating efficiently Keep research activities running Provide a safe environment Do More preventive maintenance Do More predictive maintenance Utilize systems that we have invested in Keep up with work requests Studies indicate that we are under resourced Desire to move into more zone maintenance
9 Some Regulatory/Code Issues That Have Forced Change ADA Elevator Life Safety Carbon Monoxide Historical Preservation Asbestos Abatement Lead Mold/Fungi Pesticide Application Energy Codes Backflow prevention Spill Prevention Underground Storage Tank Asbestos Awareness Blood borne Pathogens Radiation Safety Personal Equipment Protection ADA FMLA Confined Space Lock-Out Tag-Out Right To Know (Haz Com) Fall Protection Respiratory Protection
10 Some Required Departmental Licensing/Certifications Back Flow Prevention Electrical Joureyman Electrical Master Electrical Apprentice Plumber Apprentice Plumber Master Plumber Journeyman Natural Gas Certification Air Cond/Refrigeration Fire Alarm T-1 Fire Alarm TQP Professional Engineer Refrigerant Processing Lead Inspector Lead Contractor Entity Asbestos Inspector CDL Driving Fuel Oil Installer Operating Engineer Pesticide Asbestos Project Designer Asbestos Entity Asbestos Project Monitor Engineer in Training Fire Safety Technician Others
11 Some Maintenance Definitions PM- I like to call it Preventive Measures which include: –Inspections –Roof inspection –Predictive maintenance- Bearing signature analysis –Preventive maintenance-Change the belts –Testing- Strap on flow meter –Analysis -Trending Corrective maintenance –Work performed without a customer request –Work performed as a result of issues reported from PM findings –Initiated by maintenance organization Reactive maintenance- unplanned and are a response to campus needs –Minor problems –Hot/cold calls –Service calls –Favors –Everyone’s lack of planning –Vandalism repairs.. –Support of contractor/project needs (mostly unplanned) Emergency maintenance –Immediate action –Failures –Caused by a variety of reasons –Could range from a flood or vial graffiti Non-maintenance –Graduation, events –Valet maintenance, light painting, and carpentry items done by request. –Special functions/requests –Maintenance of research equipment –Do not extend the facility life Capital maintenance –Typically done as a separate effort outside of the maintenance trades –Deferred maintenance projects –Major equipment upgrades
12 Service Levels Showplace #1 Comprehensive stewardship #2 Managed care #3 Reactive management #4 Crisis response #5
13 Where Are We In This Picture We believe we are in the managed care catagort in many facilities. Some buildings a re higher and some lower We would like to be in the comprehensive stewardship range as a stretch goal
14 Spending Less but Getting More Solid PM Spending Given the Below Average Facilities Budget Sightlines Database Average: $6.70 /GSF Sightlines Database Average $6.70/GSF University Of Vermont Approximately 5 Million Gross Square Feet
18 Advantages Streamline project schedule Concentrate on DM and Energy Work with department heads to prioritize Consistent approach
19 Advantages Adapt to growing campus needs Concentrate on T & C issues Better reporting Training enhancements
20 Advantages Ownership Accountability Morale Less travel Less vehicles
21 Advantages Support zones Perform University wide tasks Specialize work Licenses
22 Advantages Currently no engineering team Proactive approach Efficient operation Sophisticated buildings Support field needs Analytical capabilities
23 Advantages Adapt to growing campus More analysis of data Support organizational structure
25 What We Would Need To Accomplish This Increase funding to levels of peer averages as indicated by Sightlines Approximately $1.30 per square foot Develop goals to obtain and sustain a level 2 comprehensive stewardship model for most facilities
26 What Would The Timeframe Be Over the next five years gradually increase funding levels to strategically populate organizational structure. This includes additional resources needed to accommodate Plant Sciences and new Central Chilled Water system. Strive to have desired resource level to maintain a Comprehensive Stewardship Level of service. Use current strategic plan as opportunities for planning resources.
27 What Would Be Some Of The Expected Results Decrease rate of Deferred Maintenance Higher morale Better Customer Service Less equipment downtime Less travel time Fewer service vehicles Higher levels of Preventive Measures More off shift coverage Higher levels of accountability Increase in service level Less turnover Greater interest