ePSINet Conference Athens 14 th January 2005
mepsir Athens 14 th January 2005 mepsir Measuring European Public Sector Information Resources Project won in open competition by HELM Corporation (with Zenc) 2004, KO was November 2004
mepsir Athens 14 th January 2005 Introduction “Methodology for the review of the Directive” it is essential to measure and understand the effects of the Directive – in terms of its impact –and what further actions are required
mepsir Athens 14 th January 2005 Please note …. Mepsir is at an early stage, where the development of the methodology is at a more complete testing stage Therefore definitions, subdomains, variables, indicators are subject to some change This workshop therefore welcomes constructive input to this process
mepsir Athens 14 th January 2005
mepsir objectives - 1 develop an appropriate repeatable methodology to measure PSI re-use including definition of performance indicators of a quantitative nature (usually based on qualitative responses) which will allow for further periodical benchmarking of the evolving PSI framework environment against the Directive stated objectives
mepsir Athens 14 th January 2005 mepsir objectives - 2 conduct a first, baseline measurement of PSI reuse in the EU Member States, the Accession Countries, and Norway using this methodology
mepsir Athens 14 th January 2005 mepsir objectives - 3 analyse the findings by monitoring the evolution of PSI re-use over time putting that into context with certain key framework conditions such as –Accessibility –Transparency –Non-discrimination –Market conditions –Accountability
mepsir Athens 14 th January 2005 mepsir objectives - 4 compare and contrast the results obtained for Europe with the situation in the United States, and draw lessons for Europe from this analysis.
mepsir Athens 14 th January 2005 Defining the boundaries mepsir will define a number of subdomains per domain, to develop a taxonomy covering the spectrum of information within the domain This series of taxonomies will be agreed at an early stage so that all stakeholders are aware of and are working to the same definitions
mepsir Athens 14 th January 2005 Coverage of Domains We cover all important PSI domains at a macro level Geographic information Legal information Transport information Weather information Business information Statistical information
mepsir Athens 14 th January 2005 Coverage of Domains 2 elaborate on meso (web survey) with data fed from micro level (interviews) Some in-depth case studies overall aim of the project is to evaluate the impact of the PSI directive over time So total coverage is not crucial so long as the possibility to replicate the measurements is shown
mepsir Athens 14 th January 2005 Indicators Analysis based on indicators and sub-indicators Some are simple, binary Others more complex, qualitative We will derive quantitative, statistically viable and comparable indicators For which data can be captured in a repeatable way
mepsir Athens 14 th January 2005 The mepsir network The mepsir core team will be assisted by country teams of researchers in all 27 countries (the 25 countries of the enlarged EU plus the US and Norway) Researchers will be trained in methodology and tools before being asked to gather prescribed data for their countries
mepsir Athens 14 th January 2005 mepsir tools Public website Collaborative online working environment Structured questionnaires & protocols Analysis templates Survey hosting site Online survey linked to database
Thank You