GREECE Archeological Sites: Athens, Lindos, and Olympia: What is There? Grade 8 Erin Bavery
Athens First a city-state Capital of Greece Named after the Goddess Athena Renowned center of learning, home of Plato’s academy Leading cultural and intellectual culture during Greece Golden Age Cradle of western civilization
Athens: Artifact Sites-Acropolis One of the Greatest Monumental complexes in the world Used as a place of refuge in hard times Principal sanctuary of the city in Greek times Given over to the cult of Athena –Large Doric temples built in 6 th c. B.C.E. No longer there due to attacks by the Persians in 480 B.C.E.
Athens: Artifact Sites-Parthenon Built entirely of marble Built between B.C.E. Doric temple with a monumental arrangement of eight columns on the front and seventeen along the sides Devoted to the Gods, in particular the birth of Athena decorates the eastern end Served as the repository of state funds and other offerings belonging to the Athenians
Rhodes Largest island of the Dodecannese archipelago First a Minoan settlement Later became a Mycenaean kingdom Colonized during the Greek Middle Ages by the Dorians Increased wealth and trade during the 4 th -2 nd centuries B.C.E. Started to decline in 167 B.C.E.
Rhodes: Artifact Site-Lindos City on the island of Rhodes Founded at least the Mycenaean Period (14 th - 13 th c. B.C.E.) Flourished for centuries Site is a Dorian settlement Benefited from political and maritime prestige of Rhodes
Lindos: What is There? Features a 3 rd -2 nd century B.C.E. Doric colonnaded plaza Medieval fortifications (remaining walls) Temple of Athena Lindia 15 th century C.E. residence of the Commander of the local garrison of the Knights of Rhodes Cave for cult rituals in ancient times Large rock carved relief of a warship offered to Poseidon L-shaped courtyard with Doric porticoes on the north, west and south sides Three ritual banquet halls Tomb of Archokrátes and of Kle ὸ boulos (4 th -3 rd century B.C.E.)
Olympia Located in the fertile valley of the Alpheus river in the western Peloponnese Origins date back to the end of the 2 nd millennium B.C.E. Structures widely spaced Olympian sanctuary remained one of the greatest epicenters of Greek art until the end of the 4 th century C.E. –Used for contests and games in honor of the goods
Olympia: What is there? Temple of Hera –Devoted to Hera, wife of Zeus Gymnasium Temple of Zeus Olympios Palaistra –Large open space used for training Stadium
Writing Reflection Work independently on this assignment. Use the PowerPoint images, as well as those images in your packets. Use the reflection structure on the board Following Slide has images to consider
Assignment Pair off into your Greece Groups. I will pass around the assignment artifact sites each group will be required to due for the news article. I will also pass out the news article guide for you to follow. You have the reminding class time to get started on your news article.