Lessons Learned: Putting Them to Work at PNNL Patti Ammonet Lessons Learned/Operating Experience Program Manager September 14, 2010 Operating Experience Committee Meeting
Our vision started in FY07… imagining the future role for LLs
Our mission became…to deliver value and service… as staff perform work Established four guiding principles Make compliance transparent Focus on the reader Offer high-value services / tools Monitor effectiveness and results Established four guiding principles Make compliance transparent Focus on the reader Offer high-value services / tools Monitor effectiveness and results
Keys to success…how we work with managers and staff Partner with requesting managers Understand their needs Deliver what they value Build relationships with research Expanded business topics Respond to staff pull for information Deliver value to readers Quality LL content Easy-to-use, innovative web tools Available JIT 4
Delivering LLs to staff at the point-of-need 5
LL/OE Content types 6 Internal sources Managers (events, critiques, concerns, good practices, staff experiences) External sources DOE events Hanford LLs Industry (e.g., CSB) Recalls / SCI / DI / Safety / Software quality
All organizations are developing lessons learned 7 Number of LL's Requested for FY10 By Org Number of LL's Requested% of Total BSD14% EED829% EMSL00% FCSD14% ODS14% OSD1761% NSD932% Other14% Number of LL's Requested for FY10 % of Total Number of LL's Requested Research1864% Support2071%
Results…growth in business value…with pull from PNNL managers for LLs to address broad themes Firearm accidental discharge Training Project Management Pyrophoric risks ISM improvements Chemical Safety Travel risks - series Training Foreign Travel Incident prevention campaign Staff awareness Security Good practices used by program managers Reinforcing success Acquisitions Excel flaw – safety alert Enhanced Lab recall process Software Quality 8
Website Demo – SHOW types of functions and content on the website Home page – show main functions Main views, search / tags, left nav links) View by lists – access specific LLs (HoF – click on plagiarism, procurement good practices, Daves OE story Good practices – click on carboy, AOs Discuss key elements of a LL article Short summary (reusable in subscription notices, s, HDI) Event details with context Role-specific LL statements Reference to HDI 9
New LL type: operational excellence stories as told by staff 10
Results…a lot of PNNL staff are reading LLs 11
Results…readership levels have increased dramatically across all orgs since FY08 12
Results…readership by research and support staff is about equal in FY10 13
Results…weekly Lab announcements and subscriptions quickly lead staff to LLs 14
Results…staff use web tools to easily find more LLs of interest 15
Results…staff have accessed 100% of all LLs in the database 16 Lab Level LL/OE Webstats for FY10 as of 8/31 TotalPercentage Total LL/OE Website Hits74,586 Number of Unique PNNL Staff Accessing LL's4,33788% Number of Unique LL's Articles Hit1,260100% Total Unique PNNL Staff Subscribed to LL/OE1333% Research to Support Split Total Unique Research Staff Accessing LL's2,36787% Total Unique Support Staff Accessing LL's1,46891%
Results…most-read LLs include project management, foreign travel, security 17 Top 10 LLs Viewed by PNNL for FY10 (through 8/31) Total Views Gaps to identifying and managing project risks contributed to discharge of firearm in training room825 The halo effect can influence judgment of risks and hazards812 Learning from Tragedy of UCLA Lab Accident780 Foreign traveler fails to get approvals615 Employee in a Rush Sends Unencrypted 596 Personal Safety While on Foreign Travel582 Worker dies in Bobcat/backhoe accident at BPA substation577 Back-to-back tans-Atlantic flights result in pulmonary embolism574 Worker forgot to encrypt e- that included controlled information529 Recycled Cup Sparks Fire in Microwave529
Results…top rated LLs 18
Results…Success stories / feedback Researchers Researchers appreciate / find LLs useful Great suggestion to move to plastic pipette Managers Good LL shows how PM principles help assure success I love your process I/O study LL value has progressed significantly LLs help managers reinforce safety culture Staff Constructive comments & process improvement ideas High readership CAS Peer Review Highly innovative – provides value Best practice in SC Lab system 19
Whats ahead for us… Expand high-value content Closer partnership with functional organizations Interactive tools for staff to capture / share experiences Continued innovation -- learning from shared experiences leads to innovation across the Laboratory performance 20
22 Short summary Reference to Lab process Role-specific LL statements Event details with context Related articles (based on tags, topic)
How we…make compliance transparent No separate requirements / procedures for LLs DOE requirements built into Lab processes – Event reporting Issue management Recalls (SCI / defective items / safety alerts) Cognizant SMEs review each LL before publishing LLs incorporated into Lab processes / systems Training (hazards, PM, security, travel, etc.) Policies/requirements Event reporting, issue management LLs disseminated through multiple channels Line manager Central (new website portal) Weekly PNNL newsletter Targeted distributions No separate requirements / procedures for LLs DOE requirements built into Lab processes – Event reporting Issue management Recalls (SCI / defective items / safety alerts) Cognizant SMEs review each LL before publishing LLs incorporated into Lab processes / systems Training (hazards, PM, security, travel, etc.) Policies/requirements Event reporting, issue management LLs disseminated through multiple channels Line manager Central (new website portal) Weekly PNNL newsletter Targeted distributions 23
Keys to success – how we work with managers / staff Partner with requestors Understand / deliver what they need and value Build relationships with Research Expanded / timely business topics with pull from managers / staff Deliver LL content to staff when they need it Job planning (risk-based) Training (formal, reading assignments) (PM, compliance, etc.) HDI links in each LL; HDI work flow activities will link to LLs Custom requests (e.g., monthly LL reports to Fac Ops) Reports (e.g, research requests for data analysis) Weekly LL announcement to Lab LLs targeted distributions to SMEs 24
Delivering LLs to staff at the point-of-need through…. Work plans (hazards analysis in F&O and research labs) Training (on-line, classroom, technical work group) Project management Procurement (recommended hotplate models) Lab communications (LLs part of plans / strategies) Lab policies / work controls (LLs as real-life stories) First-line safety (new First Take tool/process) 25
How we…focus on readers Relevant to their jobs Well-written and easy to understand – right balance of details sufficient business context important, insightful LL messages Structured for quality and consistency – Quick-read Summary (reusable content element) Reference Lab process - link to PNNL online policy/reqts Address LL points to targeted PNNL roles Announce a new LL each week in PNNL newsletter Easy website navigation / access tools Relevant to their jobs Well-written and easy to understand – right balance of details sufficient business context important, insightful LL messages Structured for quality and consistency – Quick-read Summary (reusable content element) Reference Lab process - link to PNNL online policy/reqts Address LL points to targeted PNNL roles Announce a new LL each week in PNNL newsletter Easy website navigation / access tools 26
Results…Success stories / feedback Feedback from directorates NSD Research staff appreciate LLs and find them useful (QM) I love your process (operations manager) Feedback from line managers Good lessons learned - this is another example of how application of project management principles help ensure the success of any complex task… (R&D mgr) Great lesson learned and article regarding project management and implementation. (ALD) Great suggestion to move to plastic pipette (scientist) Feedback from internal I/O study & manager interviews LL value has significantly progressed -- enabling managers to reinforce safety culture across Lab Management reinforces correct staff behaviors in -- Radiological safety, respiratory protection, pressure systems, project management Pyrophoric LL an ISM success story prompting new guidelines and industry standards 27
How we work…offer contemporary services / tools to help managers leverage LLs for greater staff value 28 Treat LL development process as a partnership with shared goals – Team with requesting manager – hold scoping meeting to discuss facts, key staff messages, applicable Lab reqts Discuss how LL can help manager reinforce expectations of safety, quality, performance culture and right behaviors (e.g. unexpected eruption) Cover timely business issues for target audiences – e.g., PMs, MSOs-- not addressed elsewhere Assure LL is valuable / actionable for their staff (e.g., avoiding pitfalls that lead to cost overruns) Maximize LL for reuse in training, as reading assignments, future access by other staff / projects Treat LL development process as a partnership with shared goals – Team with requesting manager – hold scoping meeting to discuss facts, key staff messages, applicable Lab reqts Discuss how LL can help manager reinforce expectations of safety, quality, performance culture and right behaviors (e.g. unexpected eruption) Cover timely business issues for target audiences – e.g., PMs, MSOs-- not addressed elsewhere Assure LL is valuable / actionable for their staff (e.g., avoiding pitfalls that lead to cost overruns) Maximize LL for reuse in training, as reading assignments, future access by other staff / projects
Contemporary services / tools cont. Stay service-based, friendly, hassle-free for staff Search services – help staff locate relevant LLs for their work Dynamic website – easy tools to search, find related articles, share, comment, rate, tag, etc. (future quick-add wiki tool, more videos) Provide LL views by – Hall of Fame, highest rated, good practices, most discussed, most viewed, most recent Variety of topics covering Lab business areas Use LLs to highlight correct staff actions ( e.g., researcher identifies over-pressurization hazard in vendor equipment) Include links to Lab process / procedure steps and other resources Stay service-based, friendly, hassle-free for staff Search services – help staff locate relevant LLs for their work Dynamic website – easy tools to search, find related articles, share, comment, rate, tag, etc. (future quick-add wiki tool, more videos) Provide LL views by – Hall of Fame, highest rated, good practices, most discussed, most viewed, most recent Variety of topics covering Lab business areas Use LLs to highlight correct staff actions ( e.g., researcher identifies over-pressurization hazard in vendor equipment) Include links to Lab process / procedure steps and other resources 29
Simple keys to PNNL LL/OE Program growth and success … Partner with requesting managers to understand what they need and value Understand our readers perspective and deliver LLs that inform them, relate to their work, save them time Keep LLs top of mind through regular dissemination and interactive web tools 30