Athens 27/1/2007 Methods for Communicating Science to Young People Menelaos A. Sotiriou.


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Presentation transcript:

Athens 27/1/2007 Methods for Communicating Science to Young People Menelaos A. Sotiriou

Athens 27/1/2007 Communicating Science …promoting lively activities to capture the imagination and show how science - its impacts, uses and applications – is relevant to all Europeans regardless of age, background and education

Athens 27/1/2007 Science Communication Objectives To promote public scientific and innovation culture, and to increase the impact of science and its uses on the daily lives of European citizens To promote measures for improving the exchange of experiences and resources among stakeholders in order to enhance their European dimension and added value

Athens 27/1/2007 Science Communication Objectives To promote increased public scientific culture, especially among the young, of the impact and benefits of science and its uses on the daily lives of European citizens To demonstrate the benefits of European co- operation in research and scientific initiatives To promote young people’s interest in science

Athens 27/1/2007 EC’s Science in Society Forum 2005: Setting the scene … If Europe is to continue to be at the forefront of global science and to built a knowledge- based economy, then it needs to lure more young people to science. The Union and the Member States are doing this through a mixture of educational initiatives, science competitions and awards, as well as festivals and popular science events targeted at young people.

Athens 27/1/2007 Messages to be communicated Science is above all a quest for knowledge and it can be used to improve our lives, lifestyles, and our living world But Science Communication Methods are more than a 'quest for knowledge', it is also about having fun

Athens 27/1/2007 Show Cases for Science communication Since 2004 National Science Festivals and National Science Weeks

Athens 27/1/2007 Show Cases for Science communication

Athens 27/1/2007 Show Cases for Science communication Athens – Eugenidis Foundation Sofia – Technical University Bucharest – The General Association of the Engineers in Romania (AGIR) Liberec – Research Library Tallinn – Youth Technology and Science Centre

Athens 27/1/2007 Athens Exhibition Exhibition Area (Projects Presentation) Technology Enhance Classroom (TEC) Conference Center

Athens 27/1/2007 Results TARGETSRESULTS No Measurable Information Targets GreeceRomaniaBulgaria Czech Republic EstoniaTotalGreeceRomaniaBulgaria Czech Republic EstoniaTotal Publicity Actions - Events Difference 1 Number of journalists and media organisations to be contacted and informed % 2Number of press conferences % 3 Number of participating journalists % 4 Number of articles, publications in the press % 5 Number of presentations through local TV stations % 6 Number of interviews in local radio stations % 7 Number of schools authorities and schools to be contacted directly % 8 Number of publicity posters / leaflets that have been distributed %

Athens 27/1/2007 TARGETSRESULTS No Measurable Information Targets GreeceRomaniaBulgaria Czech Republic EstoniaTotalGreeceRomaniaBulgaria Czech Republic EstoniaTotal Exhibition Difference 9 Number of schools contacted and invited to participate % 10 Number of participating schools % 12 Number of participating students % 13Number of additional visitors % 14 Number of submitted evaluation questionnaires (Feedback from teachers) % Workshop 15 Number of invitations – number of contacted parties % 16Number of participants % 17 Mass media presence & coverage (number of journalists, local TV stations, etc.) % 18 Number of articles in the press regarding the workshop outcome % Results

Athens 27/1/2007 Registrations: Around 95 teams of 250 individuals Participating Projects: 60 Winners: 11 teams, 25 persons Countries: 25 (EU and non EU) Results from the 1 st contest

Athens 27/1/2007 Sky-Watch Contest European Science Week 2005 Sky-Watch Contest European Science Week Years since 2005

Athens 27/1/2007 Sky-Watch 2006 (CERN)

Athens 27/1/2007 Supporting Science Contests Sky-Watch 2007 Contest, the continuation Sky-Watch 2007 Contest, the continuation

Athens 27/1/2007 National Science Festival and National Science Weeks 2nd Festival for Research and Technology in Heraklion of Crete, Greece 28/2 – 9/3 2005, presentation of 4 projects, part of the School Foresight Exhibition. Organizing by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology. 3rd Festival for Research and Technology in Florina, Greece 10–18/5 2005

Athens 27/1/2007 National Science Festival and National Science Weeks Greek Science Week of 2005 (General Secretariat for Research and Technology) in Zapeion Conference/Exhibition Center, Athens, Greece, 30/6 – 7/7. Greek Science Week of 2006 (General Secretariat for Research and Technology) in Zapeion Conference/Exhibition Center, Athens, Greece, 28/6 – 5/7. Greek Science Week of 2006 (General Secretariat for Research and Technology) in the 71st International Fair of Thessaloniki, Greece, 8-17/9.

Athens 27/1/2007 Total Eclipse Web casting

Athens 27/1/2007 Scenarios of use

Athens 27/1/2007 Educational Activities Scenarios provide students the opportunity: To make astronomical observations To collect data To analyze the astronomical data To exchange opinions To communicate their results

Athens 27/1/2007 Training and Dissemination workshops Training Workshop at the Observatory Science Centre, UK Dissemination Workshop April 1st 2006, Ampelakia, Larissa, Greece Astronomical Summer School, Bulgaria The Observatory Science Centre Astronomy Festival (September 2005) Training Workshop in Crete, Greece, November 2006, 50 teachers of secondary education were participate

Athens 27/1/2007 Publicity Activities BBC Focus ( readers)BBC Focus ( readers)

Athens 27/1/2007 eTEN Best Communicating Project of the Year nd place

Athens 27/1/2007 Continuation The aim of the proposed project is to present the vision for the future operation of museums, science centres and thematic parks and to give to the wider public the opportunity to experience the new technological achievements during their visits in those places. A rich collection of examples of futuristic scenarios and visions will be presented and discussed in detail. These will offer a glimpse of a future in which visitors could explore worlds and cultures beyond their own, both in distance and time, as if they were there.

Athens 27/1/2007 Continuation The possibility of AR and VR to make convergence of education and entertainment is becoming more and more challenging as the technology is optimised and expands to other areas. Natural or historical events and characters, reconstructed monuments and sites could be simulated and augmented to the real world.

Athens 27/1/2007 Continuation Visitors of Museums, Science Centers and Archaeological Areas in France, Austria, Germany, Finland, Portugal, Estonia and Greece will be involved in a series of episodes of playful learning during a journey of joy, where technology meets culture and science. Within the project will be designed a variety of scenarios that will offer to the user a unique experience, varying from visualisations of physical phenomena to in site augmentations of ancient monuments. Thanks to broadband infrastructure more people from remote location will have the chance to attend the event as the tools that will be used allow the direct connection with internet.

Athens 27/1/2007 Thank you!