Further Examples of Greek and Roman Sculpture To accompany the resource packet, Exploring Classical Art at the MFA: Images of Power
“Lady of Auxerre” statuette, c. 640 BC, Crete. Limestone. Height 25 ½ inches. Louvre Museum, Paris
Moschophoros (Calfbearer), from Athens, c. 560 BC, Marble. Height (restored) 5 feet 5 inches. Acropolis Museum, Athens
Grave Stele of Aristion (the Warrior), by Aristokles, c. 510 BC, Marble. Height 7 feet 10 ½ inches. National Museum, Athens
Charioteer of Delphi. c. 478 or 474 BC. Bronze with copper (lips, eyelashes), silver (teeth, headband), and onyx (eyes). Height 5 feet 11 inches. Delphi Museum
Mourning Athena relief, from Athens. c. 470 BC, Marble. Height 19 inches. Acropolis Museum, Athens
Demosthenes by Polyeuktos. Roman copy of a bronze portrait statue erected in Athens. c. 280 BC, Marble. Height 6 feet 7 ½ inches. Ny Carlsberg Glyptothek, Copenhagen
Portrait Bust of a Man, c. 1 st century BC, Marble. Republican, Roman. Height 14 ½ inches. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Cameo portrait of the Emperor Augustus, AD, Sardonyx. Julio-Claudian, Roman. 1 ½ x 1 1/8 inch. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Portrait Statue of a Woman, AD, Marble. Found at the Temple of Aphrodite (Cyrene), Roman. Height 5.8 feet. British Museum, London