1 A Lunar Fission Surface Power (FSP) System Presented to: Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space NETS 2009 James Werner/INL, Project Lead June 15,


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Presentation transcript:

1 A Lunar Fission Surface Power (FSP) System Presented to: Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space NETS 2009 James Werner/INL, Project Lead June 15, 2009 Pre-Decisional, For Discussion Purposes Only

2 History of Space Nuclear Power Fission Reactor Systems –SNAP-10A (launched 1965) –SP-100 (cancelled 1992) –Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter (cancelled 2005) –Fission Surface Power (Present) Radioisotope Power Systems –44 Successful U.S. Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTG) Flown Since 1961 –Some Examples: Apollo SNAP-27 ( ) Viking SNAP-19 (1975) Voyager MHW-RTG (1977) Galileo GPHS-RTG (1989) New Horizons GPHS-RTG (2005) SNAP-10A (Agena) SNAP-27 (Apollo) SNAP-19 (Viking)

Pre-Decisional, For Discussion Purposes Only 3 Recent interest in Fission Surface Power (FSP) to support moon / Mars exploration Continuous Day/Night Power for Robust Surface Ops Same Technology for Moon and Mars Suitable for any Surface Location –Lunar Equatorial or Polar Sites –Permanently Shaded Craters Environmentally Robust –Lunar Day/Night Thermal Transients –Mars Dust Storms Operationally Robust –Multiple-Failure Tolerant –Long Life Highly Flexible Configurations –Excavation Shield Permits Near-Habitat Siting –Option for Above-Grade System or Mobile System (with shield mass penalty) –Option for Process Heat Source (for ISRU or habitat)

Pre-Decisional, For Discussion Purposes Only 4 Safe During All Mission Phases –Launched Cold, No Radiation Until Startup –Safe after Shutdown with Negligible Residual Radiation Scalable to Higher Power Levels (kWs to MWs) Competitive Cost with PV/RFC –Detailed, 12-month “Affordable” Fission Surface Power System Cost Study Performed by NASA & DOE –LAT2 FSP and PV/RFC Options had Similar Overall Cost –Modest Unit Cost Enables Multiple Units and/or Multiple Sites Technology Primed for Development –Terrestrial Reactor Design Basis –No Material Breakthroughs Required –Lineage to RPS Systems (e.g. Stirling) and ISS (e.g. Radiators, Electrical Power Distribution) Recent interest in Fission Surface Power (FSP) to support moon / Mars exploration

Pre-Decisional, For Discussion Purposes Only 5 Affordable Fission Surface Power System Study Reference Concept Modular 40 kWe system with 8-year design life suitable for global lunar and Mars surface applications Emplaced configuration with regolith shielding augmentation permits near-outpost siting (<5 rem/yr at 100 m separation) Approximately 7 metric tons and <60 m 3 volume is a good match for Altair capability Stowed 3 x 3 x 7 m Deployed

Pre-Decisional, For Discussion Purposes Only 6 Keys to Affordability Reactor: low temperature, well known UO 2 fuel, stainless steel construction, liquid metal NaK coolant well-tested Stirling power conversion: high efficiency at low temperature, 1980’s test experience, RPS leverage Heat rejection: ISS mechanical design heritage, simple water heat pipes System: Power density of nuclear reactor allows heavier, simpler, more robust components

Pre-Decisional, For Discussion Purposes Only Tech Demo. Unit (TDU) ETDP Devt. Test Models (DTM) Engineering Models (EM) Form, Fit & Function Flight Models (FM) Design Life Test ≤5 yrs Test Des Design Life Test ≤3 yrs Fab Study LaunchATLOATPCDR Prime Contract Non-nuclear TRL6 LSS MCR Ref. Concept Selection PDR/NAR Test Ship KSC Full Power, Full-Scale System Test Structural & Environ. Qualification Engineering Core Criticals Subsystem, Module, and System Flight Acceptance Testing 1/4 Power, Full-Scale System Test Prim. & Sec. Fluid Test Loops Coupon/Component Radiation Tests 1/2 Power, Full-Scale System Test Environ. Eval. (Radiation, Vib, etc.) Physics Core Criticals TaskFY LSS SRR Revised 8/1/08 Notional FSP Flight Development Schedule

Pre-Decisional, For Discussion Purposes Only Concept Definition 2.1 Concept Selection Lead: Lee Mason (GRC) 2.2 Modeling and Tool Development Lead: Scott Harlow (DOE) 1.0 Fission Surface Power Systems Project Management Project Manager: Don Palac (GRC) Principal Investigator: Lee Mason (GRC) DOE Lead: Scott Harlow MSFC Lead: Mike Houts Business Analyst: Annie Delgado-Holton (GRC) 4.0 Risk Reduction 4.1 System Risk Reduction Lead: Lee Mason (GRC) 4.2 Primary Test Circuit Risk Red. Lead: Mike Houts (MSFC) 4.3 Reactor Component & Irradiation Testing Lead: Scott Harlow (DOE) 4.4 Power Conversion Risk Reduction Lead: Lee Mason (GRC) 4.5 Heat Rejection Risk Reduction Lead: Don Jaworkse (GRC) Fission Surface Power Project

Pre-Decisional, For Discussion Purposes Only 9 FSP Technology Project: Concept Definition Radiator & Deployment System Reactor Heat Transport Loop Integration Stirling Convertor Concept Reactor Core Modeling Stirling CFD Modeling Radiator Model Validation

Heat Rejection Pre-Decisional, For Discussion Purposes Only 10 FSP Technology Project: Component Pathfinders 1 kWt Radiator Demo Unit Ti-H2O Heat Pipe Life Test 2 kWe NaK Stirling System 10 kWe Stirling Alternator Test Rig NaK Electromagnetic Pump 20 kWt NaK Reactor Simulator Reactor 2 kWe Direct Drive Gas Brayton Power Conversion

Pre-Decisional, For Discussion Purposes Only 11 Notional TDU Test Layout in GRC Vacuum Facility #6 Technology Demonstration Unit – The Core of the Fission Surface Power Systems Project Demonstrate system-level technology readiness in an operational environment ¼ power, full scale hardware demonstration

Pre-Decisional, For Discussion Purposes Only 12 Lunar Surface Systems Architecture Planning FSP Off-Loaded & Buried FSP Remains on Lander Notional Concept for FSP-Lander Delivery

Pre-Decisional, For Discussion Purposes Only 13 Summary FSP has many advantages –Day/night power –Location independence –Environment tolerance –Moon/Mars commonality –High power, low mass Mission integration options are plentiful –Buried or Landed, Early or Later, With or without PV –Minimal impact on crew –Major impact on surface capabilities FSP Technology Development Project is addressing the fundamental issues Affordability = Conservative, Simple, Robust –Known materials, generous margins –Modest requirements –Self-regulating controls –Fault tolerant, designed to recover from anomalies –Hardware-rich test program –Low risk, accept mass penalties if necessary

Pre-Decisional, For Discussion Purposes Only 14 Positive Press NASA News Release “NASA Developing Fission Surface Power Technology” Katherine Martin (9/10/08) –Picked up by Dozens of Internet Sites including SpaceRef and Science Daily –100’s of Blogs… mostly supportive and positive DiscoveryChannel.com “NASA Eyes Nuclear Reactor for Moon Base” Irene Klotz (9/15/08) Space.com “NASA Eyes Nuclear Power for Moon Base” Jeremy Hsu (9/17/08) Athens Post “Athens Business to Develop Power Converter for NASA” Amanda Liles (10/6/08) Popular Science Magazine “Gone Fission” Dawn Stover (Dec 2008 Issue)