Podcasts from Berlin: Downloaded in Swansea Dr David Gill
Introduction HEA funded project to create exemplars for teaching Greek archaeology and Egyptology Available from the Learning Lab:
Podcasting the Ancient World
Tools for Creating Podcasts Olympus digital recorder with USB hub Canon Eos Digital 450D MacBook using Quicktime and iMovie
Why podcast archaeological material? To help students engage with unfamiliar material To place sculptures in context To give a sense of scale for the monuments To provide a topographical setting To offer a personal commentary and reaction To assist with the identification of monuments as part of the student assessment
The Pergamon exemplar Level 2 / 3 module ‘Images of Power in the Greek and Roman Worlds’ Pergamon located in north-west Turkey
The Pergamon altar
The scale of the altar
Podcasts of the Pergamon Altar Scale of the altar First impressions of the altarFirst impressions of the altar Reading inscriptions Pergamon at Athens
Student benefits To encourage interest in unusual sites To develop a more detailed knowledge To note an improvement in assessed work To find students applying for summer schools in Greek archaeology
Creating podcasts (on a Mac) Images in iPhoto Audio saved in iTunes Combined in iMovie MP4 files saved on server Delivered through Blackboard
Selecting the images in iPhoto
Selecting audio in iTunes
Creating the podcast in iMovie
Student access to podcasts
Podcasts on iTunes
Podcasts in iTunes
Videos in iTunes
Future Tools Flip video with USB connection New range of Olympus digital recorders
Finally … Thanks to … Chris Hall Kasia Szpakowska HEA JISC