Welcome to Mr. DiMarino’s Math Class Voic
Experience 13 years as a student in the district 23 years teaching in the district 24 years coaching in the district 3 years Student Council Advisor 7 years as a parent in the district
Math Class We learn a concept or skill We practice the concept or skill We demonstrate understanding of the concept or skill We review as needed We extend and enrich as needed
Grading All grades are based on total points Homework, tests and quizzes will make up the majority of the grade Each homework, based on completion and effort, is worth four points
Pinnacle We remind students to check it regularly, but not to become obsessed with it. “z” represents a zero, but can still be made up for full or partial credit. “x” represents an excused assignment that does not need to be made up.
Supplies Binder and spiral notebook Textbook Online text Username: dimomath Password:abc123 Pencils Completed homework
Homework Approximately minutes per night 4 points each for completion and effort We check for accuracy in class Practice, practice, practice
Quizzes and Tests Students will make quiz and test corrections. This will be an assignment, not optional.
“Take control of your own education.” - Mark DiMarino
Visit Mr. DiMarino’s Teacher Page Go through the TE Website to Valley Forge Middle School to Teacher Pages to Mark DiMarinoMark DiMarino
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