1 The Paraprofessional In The Classroom: The Paraprofessional In The Classroom: A Partner in the Achievement of All Students
The Paraprofessional in the Classroom CFN 204 Carol-Ann Cesark Karen Tedesco Administrator of Special Education & Instruction 2
3 Fair is not when everyone gets the same….. …. Fair is when everyone gets what they need
4 Purpose: To Provide Paraprofessionals With Knowledge Of: The mandate for the provision of quality education and support for all students Ways to work with teachers to form partnerships that will benefit all students in the classroom Necessary skills to perform paraprofessional duties and responsibilities with distinction Classroom management approaches
5 IDEA IDEA is the current authorization of a 30 year old law that provides services for students with disabilities
6 IDEA In 1975 the first version of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was signed into law Some Principles of IDEA are: Assuring all students with disabilities have access to the general education curriculum Recognizing that special education is a service, not a place The IEP teams will first consider providing each student services in the general education classroom, with supplementary aids, support services, and related services appropriate to that student’s needs
7 Educational Disabilities Autism Deaf-Blindness Deafness Emotional Disturbance Hearing Impairment Learning Disability Mental Retardation Multiple Disabilities Orthopedic Impairment Other Health Impairments Speech or Language Impairment Traumatic Brain Injury Visual Impairment
8 The Importance of the IEP The Individualized Education Program holds a wealth of information Chapter 408 – Review IEP with Teacher & Sign
9 Classroom Management and Instructional Support
10 Purpose of Instruction Cognition Communication Physical Activity Social Interaction Emotional Awareness To improve the ability of all students in the areas of:
11 The Classroom Is… First and foremost, a safe place A child centered environment where there is a sensitivity to beliefs, traditions, and values across cultures Where relationships between children, families, and school are nurtured
12 Out of Classroom Personnel Ensure that you are aware of the roles and responsibilities of all school members that affect your students
13 Student Needs Your students’ needs The effects of exceptional conditions on a student’s life, family, school and community The effects of exceptional conditions on learning and achievement Be aware of…
14 Assisting in Instruction The classroom teacher is responsible for introducing new material The teacher is responsible for presentation of the lesson The paraprofessional assists the teacher and supports the students by explaining and reinforcing the lesson
15 The individual talent, strength and personality of the paraprofessional can improve the quality of a lesson in many ways
16 Establishing Rapport Paraprofessionals have an opportunity to establish a unique rapport with students This rapport can be a strong motivator to learn
17 Learning Styles Different Ways To Learn IEP Information Discussion With Teacher Your Experience With Students
18 Adapting Material Learning Styles and IEP information may require changes to material to suit a student’s needs Under the direction of a teacher, the paraprofessional can assist in this area
19 Differentiated Instruction Under the direction of the teacher, you may develop, organize and distribute materials that support teaching and learning The practice of pre-planning to suit the different needs of students in the classroom is called Differentiated Instruction
20 Student Behavior Awareness of Causes School Plans Knowledge of Strategies Support Positive Behavior Collect Data
21 Collaboration Exceptional instruction is really modeling of a task There is no better model for students than seeing adults collaborate in order to achieve a goal Collaboration is a form of communication
23 Each of us has our own style of communicating and interacting with others. We convey our ideas and attitudes verbally and non-verbally.
24 Communication Sensitive and Respectful Roles and Responsibilities Terminology Meetings
25 How Messages are Conveyed
26 Communicating Effectively Provide teacher with feedback regarding student performance and personal information which may need to be passed on to parents Provide input during IEP planning phase as a member of the educational team Communicate with the teacher to clarify duties, to understand student needs, and to support the teacher with regard to discipline and class rules Be aware of the expectations, philosophy and teaching styles of each teacher in order to support and compliment the teacher for the benefit of all students Respect confidentiality
27 Confidentiality Sensitivity Respect Ethics Law
28 Active Listening Skills Be willing to consider new ideas Ask the speaker to clarify what he/she is saying if we don’t fully understand him/her In order for us to listen effectively, we need to:
29 Children with disabilities have the same needs, feelings, desires, and dreams as other children