Accommodations in the Elementary Classroom
Part of me has lost its snap and the other part is draggin’.
Identified Disabilities Developmental Cognitive Disability Specific Learning Disability Nonverbal Learning Disability Speech and Language Impairment Other Health Impairment Emotional and Behavior Disorder Deaf and Hard of Hearing Visual Impairment Autism Spectrum Disorder Traumatic Brain Injury Developmental Adapted Physical Education Early Childhood Special Education Physically Impaired Severely Multiply Impaired
Strengths and Weaknesses Strengths and Weaknesses Ability Levels Four kinds of learners Processing Skills
Where do I begin? Determine approximate academic level of struggling student in reading, math, and language Determine approximate range of academic levels in classroom in reading, math, and language Decide whether grouping is necessary
Classroom Strategies Alter the physical environment Alter the presentation of the lesson Alter curriculum materials
Classroom Strategies Alter the physical environment Alter the presentation of the lesson Alter curriculum materials Teach organizational strategies
Classroom Strategies Alter the physical environment Alter the presentation of the lesson Alter curriculum materials Teach organizational strategies Alter tests
Classroom Strategies Alter the physical environment Alter the presentation of the lesson Alter curriculum materials Teach organizational strategies Alter tests Provide positive feedback Use classroom reinforcers Provide structured and predictable environment