Racial and ethnic minorities accounted for approximately 80% of U.S. population growth in the 1990s** In the past 20 years, racial minorities have increased by more than 90%; whites have increased by 7.6%
My perspective comes from having traveled to:** Philippines (lived there 6-17 years) Guam TaiwanLondonRome HawaiiAustriaFiji JapanGermanyAustralia Hong KongSwitzerland MexicoParis CanadaLuxembourg AthensVenice New Zealand
Lisa’s Japanese grandma (immigrated years ago to the U.S.)** [these days in the U.S.] “Everyone so fat and rude, but I guess that just part of American freedom.”
Youtube— adult onesie
Stereotypes continued:
Current Factoids: (not on exam)** American children comprise 3.1% of the world’s children, and own 40% of the toys For everyone on Earth to have our lifestyle, it would take 3 extra planet earths The top 20% of people in the world consume 80% of its resources The poorest 20% of our planet lives on 1.3% of its resources
More factoids (not on exam) According to Research Center: 50% of Americans own smartphones 58% check their phones at least once every hour Internet users in the U.S. spend more than 2 billion hours a month on sites like Facebook and Twitter, up 37% from 2011
Aging: (not on exam) (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2012)** In the year 2000, the median age in the U.S. was 35.3 years; in 2012, it was 37.4 years. Median age for non-Hispanic Whites-42 yrs. Median age for Asians-34 yrs. Median age for African Americans-less than 32 yrs. Median age for Hispanics—less than 28 yrs.
For the exam…
Statistics show: (not on exam)** In 1950, for everyone 65+ years old, there were 12 younger people working and paying taxes In 2050, for everyone 65+ years old, there will be 3 younger people working and paying taxes Millions of old people getting expensive medical care will be supported by the taxes of 3 teenagers working at Burger King
In terms of poverty and income, in 2011 (National Center for Education Statistics, 2013). ** 12% of Asian children were poor 13% of White children were poor 30% of Pacific Islander children were poor 34% of Hispanic children were poor 36% of American Indians were poor 39% of Black children were poor
For the exam….
McMahan, 2012: (
McMahan 2012 (contd)
Turn to the people next to you…** Share some examples of how, for you and/or those you know, “time- saving” devices have actually meant that you do more work
B. Family Life** Nuclear households— separate ages Children and elderly cared for by outsiders—OK Mother responsible for everything (not extended family, neighborhood)
IV. HEALTH CARE AND DISABILITIES** Chronic disabilities account for a larger portion of health issues in the U.S. than in its economic peers around the world. Many of these chronic disabilities are caused by bad food choices, obesity, smoking, physical inactivity, and alcohol abuse. However, there has been a substantial drop in deaths due to HIV/AIDS.
Recent statistics show (not on exam)** Medicare spending for decedents (persons in their last year of life) in the U.S. is 6x greater than costs for survivors. The last month of life is especially expensive; Medicare spends an average of $6,620 in the last month of a person’s life vs. $325 for survivors. More than 25% of Medicare spending goes to the 5% of beneficiaries who die each year. On average, Medicare spends $20,870 per beneficiary who dies in the hospital.
This is exemplified on youtube: Here comes Honey Boo Boo “We’re fat!”
In the U.S., we:
(Overhead)** Please know the table on p. 50 for test 1