2014 STAAR Parent INFORMATION NIGHT February 20, 2014
2 Introductions Mrs. Boland Mrs. Gillum Mrs. Hanko Mrs. Hinojosa Mrs. Lentz Mrs. Nabors Mrs. Ogunmuyiwa Mrs. Rocha
3 What is STAAR? Replaces the TAKS test Stands for “State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness” Most significant change is increase in rigor in assessment and performance standards. Four hour time limit
4 Dates to remember: April 22 nd - Math STAAR test April 23 rd - Reading STAAR test
5 What happens to Prepare for the test? In School Tutoring Tutorials geared toward specific needs of students 1. Students work in small groups 2. Extra support is available three days a week 3. Students are exposed to STAAR like questioning 4. Tutors and teachers model strategies and thought processes.
6 Prepare for the test (cont.) Other Preparations Whole group instruction continues on new material STAAR like practice homework
7 What can I do as a parent to help my child prepare? Review homework/graded work with students Read and ask questions (open ended/why) Make sure your child comes to school daily on time Visit the TEA (Texas Education Agency) website for STAAR question examples. The TEA website address to view the STAAR questions is
8 Types of 3 rd grade Tests Math Reading
9 Math Test April 22 nd Word problem questions that require multiple steps to solve. Math test taking strategies taught to students include: –QDPAC –Problem Solving Strategies Emphasize to your child to show work for every problem and go back and check for reasonableness!!
10 Reading Test April 23 rd Test is challenging in level of questioning and length. Includes many higher level thinking questions and a variety of genres that require greater use of their reading strategies. Emphasize to your child to take their time, read carefully, and to find text evidence to support the answers they choose.
Math Suggestions For At Home Support Memorization of facts- flashcards Encourage your child to show all their work and explain it to you Model thinking out loud to solve problems and then have your child solve a similar problem Practice math vocabulary Make connections to every day math Online Resources (Google specific skills to locate practice) Think Through Math (online program) 11
Reading Suggestions Increase the amount of time for sustained reading Question children about what they are reading (character attributes, conflict, theme, resolution, text features) Expose them to different genres including newspapers, magazines, websites, etc. Have them tell you the summary, message, or main idea of commercials, television programs, advertisements, etc. Help identify characteristics of various genres 12
13 The Night Before/ morning of the test Students should: Get a good night of sleep. Eat a healthy breakfast (protein, not sugar). Breakfast will be served as usual in the cafeteria. Come prepared to do their best with a positive attitude! Due to time limits, no group breaks will be given. Students will be provided a small snack and water. No cell phones or any other electronic devices. If students must have a phone that day, they will need to turn it into their teacher. No talking or getting up out of your seat during the test.
14 Day of the test How will the classroom look? There will be no visuals to aid students. All posters, word walls, and even the calendar will be covered or removed. Desks will all be separated.
15 Day of the test What is the teacher’s role in the classroom? Facilitate and monitor Make sure students are working independently Keep materials secure
16 Day of the test Can the teachers help students? No. Teachers may not help in any way. Teachers are strictly there to read directions, monitor, and collect materials. If a question is asked, a teacher will respond by reminding the student to just do the best they can. Teachers and students are not allowed to discuss the test at any point in the day or after the test.
17 Day of the test What is the student’s role? They are to do their best. They are to use strategies learned in class. They are to work quietly so they do not disturb others. They will use their time wisely to complete their test.
18 Day of the test Will my child have a break? Students may take brief water/restroom breaks as needed. The clock will not stop. Lunch after 12:30 once all tests have been collected and secured.
19 Day of the test Students should check over test when complete. Lay his/her head down. Stay quiet so that others still working can do their best.
20 After the test We are not sure when we will receive the results. You will be contacted when we receive information.
21 Reminders Closed Campus-No visitors allowed on testing days. Be on time. Encourage your child to take their time, use their strategies, and go back to check their work. Please remember to encourage effort instead of just the final score.
22 Questions???
23 Thank you for coming!