Welcome to Third Grade
Snacks Please choose healthy snacks! Please be mindful: we do have children and teachers who have severe allergies in the classroom. NO TREE NUTS, PEANUTS, and NUTS
Third Grade Objectives We want our third graders to become: Self-directed learners Self-managing students Responsible citizens Life-long learners
How Do We Reach These Goals? Teamwork Communication Letting go and letting the child achieve, falter, and learn Teamwork Communication Letting go and letting the child achieve, falter, and learn
Rewards for good behavior will vary from class to class but may include: Compliments Tickets Stickers Proud Notes or Calls Home Behavior
Individual Incentives: Notes/Call Home Classroom Rewards
PBIS = Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports A proactive and interactive approach to establish a social culture in a school that supports social, emotional, and academic success We call it ….. being a STAR and showing S-T-A-R Behavior! Belmont Station is a PBIS School!
What does S-T-A-R Stand For?
For example, at Recess S-T-A-R should look like this...
Praise! STAR Notes Special Celebrations Fine Dining Announcements on the News Show – STAR Reveal Recognizing STAR Behavior
Homework The LCPS guidelines for third graders suggests minutes of homework per night. Reading for minutes and sign Daily Assignment Sheet Math homework –Reflex/DreamBox/Worksheet Practicing Math facts for 5 – 10 minutes Science, Social Studies and Language Arts – assigned on select days Study Spelling - Test each Friday, unless otherwise noted Bi-Weekly Essays - Not until January Please sign agenda daily! Belmont Station Elementary School The LCPS guidelines for third graders suggests minutes of homework per night. Reading for minutes and sign Daily Assignment Sheet Math homework –Reflex/DreamBox/Worksheet Practicing Math facts for 5 – 10 minutes Science, Social Studies and Language Arts – assigned on select days Study Spelling - Test each Friday, unless otherwise noted Bi-Weekly Essays - Not until January Please sign agenda daily! Belmont Station Elementary School
Homework If a student repeatedly forgets to complete and return homework assignments, he or she will go to the “Opportunity Station” to complete the work. Homework will not normally be assigned on Friday, Holidays, or Field Trip Days* * Reading, Math Facts, and Study Guides! If a student repeatedly forgets to complete and return homework assignments, he or she will go to the “Opportunity Station” to complete the work. Homework will not normally be assigned on Friday, Holidays, or Field Trip Days* * Reading, Math Facts, and Study Guides!
Communication There are many ways to communicate with your child’s teacher : Student Planner -Third Grade website Hand-written notes Telephone conversations Parent/Teacher conferences There are many ways to communicate with your child’s teacher : Student Planner -Third Grade website Hand-written notes Telephone conversations Parent/Teacher conferences
Summative Report Card Grading (4) A = Outstanding Self directed, demonstrates skills and concepts at a highly proficient level, consistent insightful understanding (3) B = Very Good Developing proficiency with skills taught, applies skills and concepts appropriately and overall understanding (2) C = Satisfactory Recalls and uses skills with some consistency and limited understanding (1) D = Needs Improvement Needs significant teacher support and responses are limited or incomplete F=Not Performing (4) A = Outstanding Self directed, demonstrates skills and concepts at a highly proficient level, consistent insightful understanding (3) B = Very Good Developing proficiency with skills taught, applies skills and concepts appropriately and overall understanding (2) C = Satisfactory Recalls and uses skills with some consistency and limited understanding (1) D = Needs Improvement Needs significant teacher support and responses are limited or incomplete F=Not Performing
Third Grade Progression Scale (Formative) 4 = Exceeds Standards 3 = Meets Standards 2 = Progressing Towards Standard 1 = Below Standard Example of Learning Progression Scale 4 = Exceeds Standards 3 = Meets Standards 2 = Progressing Towards Standard 1 = Below Standard Example of Learning Progression Scale
Assessment, Clarity, Report Cards Diagnostic Assessments – PALS test, DRA test, and Beginning of Year Inventory Tests Formative Assessments – Class works, observations, and participation, Exit Tickets Summative Assessments – End of unit tests, Quizzes, Knowledge Checks and Projects/Presentations Diagnostic Assessments – PALS test, DRA test, and Beginning of Year Inventory Tests Formative Assessments – Class works, observations, and participation, Exit Tickets Summative Assessments – End of unit tests, Quizzes, Knowledge Checks and Projects/Presentations
Third Grade Tests PALS – Phonological Awareness & Literacy Screening DRA – Diagnostic Reading Assessment SOLs – Standards of Learning Tests Naglieri-Search Department
Subtraction Graphs Place value Time Money Multiplication Addition Subtraction Graphs Place value Time Money Multiplication Addition Division Geometry Fractions Decimals Measuremen t Probability The Third Grade Math Curriculum Covers:
How You Can Help Practice Math Facts - Reflex Play Math Games - Internet Dream Box - 30 minutes per week (Green Activities at Home) Practice Math Facts - Reflex Play Math Games - Internet Dream Box - 30 minutes per week (Green Activities at Home)
Available to all students at Belmont Station from home and school (web-based) Individualized, conceptually based math program Program continually assesses in a fun and engaging way and adjusts to your child’s needs Robust reporting will be shared with parents at conferences and within report card comments Dreambox Math Software Students complete sessions at school but we would like all students to complete one session a week (about twenty minutes) at home.
Reflex and Dreambox are available on iPads now!
Spelling Objectives Use correct spelling on weekly spelling tests Use correct spelling of common words in writing assignments Use correct spelling on weekly spelling tests Use correct spelling of common words in writing assignments
How You Can Help Review spelling words and homework nightly Give practice tests Look for good spelling in all academic subjects Review spelling words and homework nightly Give practice tests Look for good spelling in all academic subjects
Reading Objectives Fluency Comprehension Strategies Working with Words Independent Reading Fluency Comprehension Strategies Working with Words Independent Reading
How You Can Help Discuss current book selection Continue to read developmentally appropriate books with your child Encourage library visits Ask comprehension questions
Writing Objectives Paragraph Writing Descriptive Writing Writing for an Audience Writing for a Purpose Multi-Paragraph Stories Reports Paragraph Writing Descriptive Writing Writing for an Audience Writing for a Purpose Multi-Paragraph Stories Reports
6 + 1 Traits of Writing Ideas Organization Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions Presentation
How You Can Help Talk about possible writing topics Encourage use of powerful adjectives and verbs Read their writing and praise them Talk about possible writing topics Encourage use of powerful adjectives and verbs Read their writing and praise them
Science Objectives Scientific Investigation Soil Simple Machines Plants Living Systems Energy Matter Life Processes Earth, Sun, Moon Natural Resources Water Cycle
Social Studies Objectives Geography and Map skills Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Ancient Mali Economics Famous Americans Famous Explorers Government Civics Geography and Map skills Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Ancient Mali Economics Famous Americans Famous Explorers Government Civics
BeST Third Grade Website Nine Week Plans Upcoming Tests/Special News Website Links Spelling Lists Newsletter Homework Belmont Station Elementary School Nine Week Plans Upcoming Tests/Special News Website Links Spelling Lists Newsletter Homework Belmont Station Elementary School
We look forward to working with your children and doing our BeST to help them have a successful year in third grade! We look forward to working with your children and doing our BeST to help them have a successful year in third grade!