Kilnam Chon Keio & KAIST
GENI(Global Environment for Network Innovations) has been handled with good system engineering, NSF style. It has gone through typical system engineering cycle in open process. It is being system-engineered to last many years. The past experience including Arpanet was well studied.
NSF organized series of workshops to identify the issue(i.e., Future Internet); Backbone Network Optical Network Wireless/Mobile Network Security Management (more)
GENI Research Plan GENI Architecture documents (Design Principles, Facility Design, Architecture Redeux,..) GENI System Overview
GENI defines the project for each year, called Spiral; Spiral 1 in 2008,...
4.1 Spiral 1 GENI selected 5 Control Framework Clusters; DETER - on federation, trust, and security Planet Lab - based on Planet Lab Project ProtoGENI - based on Emulab ORCA - on resource allocation strategy and integration of sensor networks ORBIT - emphasizing wireless networks
GENI typically issues for request for proposal, followed by peer review. GENI emphasizes on good documentation and open forum. GENI typically let good ideas to compete for natural selection.
Open to foreign institutions and researchers as much as possible.
There is the related project, FIND, for research effort on the future internet technology.