Human Development Understanding Inclusion Dr. Whittney Smith
FAPE A Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) is what all children in the U.S. are entitled to under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). What does "appropriate" mean? It's important to note that "appropriate" does not mean "best," nor does it mean "appropriate to the school district's plans for this year." The law requires that this FAPE take place in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) For some kids, this will mean full inclusion For other kids, a self-contained classroom may in fact be less restrictive and more appropriate. "appropriate" --- interpretations must be individualized to the needs of the child, not the needs of the school or the needs of the district
Movement to Inclusion Normalization Deinstitutionalization Early Intervention (EI) and Early Childhood Programs Technological Advances Civil Rights Movement and Resulting Litigation Advocacy Groups Segregated Nature of Special Schools and Classes Disproportionate Representation Educational Reform
Laws that Shape Special Education PL : Education for All Handicapped Children Act (1975) First! PL : Education for All Handicapped Children Act Amendments (1980) Add a provision for the early years (EI) PL (IDEA): Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (1990) IDEA Amendments of 1997 IDEA 2004
IDEA IDEA is organized in four parts: 1. Part A, General Provisions 2. Part B, Assistance for the Education of All Children with Disabilities (school age/preschool programs) 3. Part C, Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities 4. Part D, National Activities to Improve the Education of Children with Disabilities (support programs)
IDEA Not all children with disabilities are entitled to services under IDEA, only those who are "eligible" under the specified disability categories 1.Autism 2.Deaf-Blindness 3.Deafness 4.Emotional Disturbance 5.Hearing Impairment 6.Mental Retardation (Intellectual Disability) 7.Multiple Disabilities 8.Orthopedic Impairment 9.Other Health Impairment 10.Specific Learning Disability 11.Speech or Language Impairment 12.Traumatic Brain Injury 13.Visual Impairment Including Blindness
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act Section 504 is less discriminatory: it protects all persons with a disability who: 1. have a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities; 2. have a record of such an impairment; or 3. are regarded as having such an impairment.
Examples of Major Life Activities caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working. eating, sleeping, standing, lifting, bending, reading, concentrating, thinking, and communicating. “major bodily functions” that are major life activities, such as the functions of the immune system, normal cell growth, digestive, bowel, bladder, neurological, brain, respiratory, circulatory, endocrine, and reproductive functions.
10 Expanded List (January 2009) Reading, concentrating, standing, lifting, bending, etc. This may include individuals with AD/HD, dyslexia, cancer, diabetes, severe allergies, chronic asthma, Tourette ’s syndrome, digestive disorders, cardiovascular disorders, depression, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, HIV/AIDS, behavior disorders and temporary disabilities (e.g., broken writing arm, broken leg, etc.). Conditions that are episodic or in remission are also now covered if they create a substantial limitation in one or more major life activity while they are active. 10
All Children 504 IDEA
Section 504IDEA
“Including Samuel”Including Samuel Question for Reflection as you view the video: As Samuel’s teacher in an inclusive classroom, what concerns would you have?
Impact of Inclusion on Students with Disabilities Academic Performance Improved standardized test scores, reading performance, mastery of IEP goals, grades, on- task behavior, motivation, and attitude Social Performance Interaction with typically developing peers --- some characterize their experience by fear, frustration, ridicule and isolation while others speak about friendships, intellectual challenges, self-esteem, and success
Impact of Inclusion on Others: Impact on Students without Disabilities Academic ---- equal or better performance than those not educated in inclusion classrooms. Impact on Educators Attitudes Impact on Families Attitudes
Learning Pyramid
Reflection 1. If your child had a disability, would you prefer a general education or special education setting? 2. If your child did not have a disability, which class would you prefer?