Math Fellows Heather Dorsey
Purpose of the Fellows To be a part of and support a system that focuses on math making sense for all students. --Leadership in the Extended Community To be a part of a community of learners that focuses on putting the shifts into practice to reflect the CCSS vision both around the student making sense of the mathematics and demonstrating that understanding. –Leadership of Others and Self To deprivatize our practice and take risks in order to facilitate high quality mathematics instruction and experiences students have with the mathematics. –Leadership of Self
Teacher Leadership Framework Leadership in the Extended Community and Self Working with Adult Learners Communication Collaboration Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy Systems Thinking
Building Trusting Relationships
Facilitating Adult Learning
Working with Adult Learners Building Trusting Relationships and Adult Learners. What do you notice about how you assessed yourself in this area? Where do you need to build capacity when you work with adult learners?
Adult Learning: Group Dynamics and Knowing Yourself Read ‘Predictable Dynamics in Groups’ article. Draw 4 lines representing the continua from the article and label them like this: TaskRelationship CertaintyAmbiguity DetailBig Picture AutonomyCollaboration Mark an ‘X’ where you see yourself on each continuum. What are the implications of these preferences for you as a Fellow and your work to implement the Common Core?
Adult Learning: Charting Preferences and Knowing Groups Divide poster into four quadrants and label (see example below). Collect your group’s thinking in each quadrant of the poster Words or actions that might convey this stance: When it might be effective for a leader to speak from this stance: When this stance might be an ineffective choice: What a person in this stance might not be able to do effectively:
Padlet Consider the questions on the padlet sheet that relate to Adult learning and pick two to respond to.
Leadership of Self and Others Connecting to your own context To deprivatize our practice and take risks in order to facilitate high quality mathematics instruction and experiences students have with the mathematics. –Leadership of Self To be a part of a community of learners that focuses on putting the shifts into practice to reflect the CCSS vision both around the student making sense of the mathematics and demonstrating that understanding –Leadership of Others and Self
Implications of the Task Leadership of Self Look at your students work and discuss: What patterns do you see in the students’ work? What evidence do you have to support your answer? What common misconceptions did you notice? What experiences in mathematics do we need to provide our students?
Implications of the Task Leadership of Self 1 per table in each Padlet Room Discuss task reflections with a focus on: What were the common themes around the mathematical content and practices that you noticed? What are the implications for your math instructional practices?
Considering our Students within Mathematical Practice 3 Leadership of Self MP3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Explore the task from Illustrative Mathematics in your Grade Band. How does the task contribute to student access of SMP 3? How does the commentary and the solutions support the underpinnings of SMP 3?
Connecting to your own context Leadership of Others Purpose: To be a part of a community of learners that focuses on putting the shifts into practice to reflect the CCSS vision both around the student making sense of the mathematics and demonstrating that understanding –Leadership of Others and Self
Briefly share around the table (approximately 1 minute each) what your plans are to support CCSS implementation through your Fellows work in your own context. Discuss at your table: What work have you begun in implementing your plan? What potential barriers might exist in accomplishing your plan? What successes have you encountered in developing/implementing your plan? Connecting to your own context Leadership of Others
How does your learnings as a Fellow support your work in your district/building? What more do you need to support your work? Connecting to your own context Leadership of Others
Authentic Student Mathematics Goals Principles to Actions pgs 7-16 Work together with your group to provide an example of a goal statement of the type described (pg. 12–14, Discussion). How does your goal statement connect to TPEP Student Growth Goal critical attributes? How can the development of specific math goals support other practices for effective teaching and learning? (pg. 10)
Formative Assessment Process Defined Formative assessment is a deliberate process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides actionable feedback that is used to adjust ongoing teaching and learning strategies to improve students’ self-assessment, reflection and attainment of curricular learning targets/goals. Clarify Intended Learning Elicit Evidence Act on Evidence Interpret Evidence
Resources in the Digital Library * Resources include the following file types: Video, HTML5, Audio, PPT, Excel, Word, and PDF. Commissioned professional development modules Resources for students and families Frame formative assessment within a balanced assessment system Articulate the formative assessment process Highlight formative assessment practices and tools Commissioned professional development modules Instructional materials for educators Instructional materials for students High-quality vetted instructional resources and tools for educators High-quality vetted resources and tools for students and families Reflect and support the formative process Reflect and support the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts Create Professional Learning Communities Assessment Literacy Modules Exemplar Instructional Modules Educational Resources Demonstrate/support effective implementation of the formative process Focus on key content and practice from the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts
Resources in the Digital Library Assessment Literacy Modules Exemplar Instructional Modules Education Resources * Resources include the following file types: Video, HTML5, Audio, PPT, Excel, Word, and PDF. Not an assessment bank Not an item bank Not a learning management system where educators can register for training or receive credit by completing online courses Not a library for general public (requires registration and login) Not a site where any resource can automatically be posted; all resources must be vetted through the Quality Criteria
How does the definition and the attributes of the formative assessment process fit with your own definition and practice? Page 21 Clarify Intended Learning Elicit Evidence Act on Evidence Interpret Evidence
The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Finding Resources in the Digital Library
Interactive Modules Page 23
Acting on Evidence
From Research to Classroom Practice— Leadership of Others and in the Extended Community Take a few moments to consider your Professional Learning Plan as a Math Fellow Talk with your group for ideas Focus on what you will do between now and Feb. 3 – Predictable Dynamics in Groups descriptors – Looking at Student work protocol – Establishing Mathematics Goals to Focus Learning – SBAC Digital Library Clock Hours—register for Course ID 49713