The Italian Masters
Renaissance Artists Masters we’ve covered: –Leonardo –Michelangelo Who’s left?
Characteristics of Renaissance Art Realism & Emotion Perspective Humanism (Greco/Roman Classicism) Individualism Geometric Arrangements
Realism & Emotion Expulsion of Adam and Eve Masaccio, 1425
Geometry & Perspective Linear perspective –Horizon –Vanishing Point –Orthogonals The Trinity Masaccio
Individualism & Realism Batista Sforza & Federico de Montefeltre: The Duke & Dutchess of Urbino Piero della Francesca, 1472.
Sacrifice of Isaac Contest Entries for Baptistery Doors BrunelleschiGhiberti
Ghiberti – Gates of Paradise Baptistery Door, Florence –
David – Donatello, 1430s
The School of Athens Raphael, Linear perspective Secular theme –All of the important Greek philosophers and thinkers are included
The School of Athens – Raphael,
The Birth of Venus, Botticelli Sandro: ; Tempera on canvas, x cm; now in the Galleria degli Uffizi in Florence
Primavera – Botticelli, 1477
Venus of Urbino – Titian, 1558