Board Presentation November 26, 2012
P.L Education for All Handicapped Children Act IDEIA -- Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
1.Written request and parent consent for an initial evaluation – 10 school days 2.Parent consent to an Individualized Education Plan Team meeting – 30 school days to complete evaluation 3.Annual Individualized Education Plan -1 year from last IEP date 4.Three Year IEPT/MET – Reevaluation by the Multi- Disciplinary Evaluation Team every 3 years 5.Notice of FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education)- Provided to parent within 7 school days from the conclusion of the IEP meeting
A student with a disability is defined as any person from birth to age 26 who is determined by an individualized education program team (IEPT) to have one or more of the impairments specified by the Michigan Administrative Rules, that necessitates special education, or specially designed instruction.
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Continuum of Services Regular Education with Support Resource Programs Basic Classroom Act 18 Programs Hospital and/or Homebound Regular Education Resource Support Self Contained Center- Based Home Least Restrictive Most Restrictive
Cognitive Impairment Other Health Impairment Autism Spectrum Disorder Emotional Impairment Speech and Language Impairment Traumatic Brain Injury Early Childhood Developmental Delay Hearing Impairment Deaf-Blindness Visual Impairment Specific Learning Disability Physical Impairment Severe Multiple Impairment
Program Resident as of Count Day Total Act 18 Funds Approved March 2012 Autism Spectrum Disorder100%2,838,019 Hearing Impaired20%1,423,874 Moderate Cognitive Impaired95%3,112,631 Physically/Health Impaired93%2,500,283 Severe Cognitive Impaired93%900,377 Severe Multiply Impaired95%580,404
District Literacy Model Response to Intervention Common criteria for eligibility Inclusive delivery model Early Intervention
Co-Teaching at the secondary level Teacher Consultant support model in our elementary schools with a focus on Tier II and III students. Special Education Occupational Therapists, Social Workers and Speech and Language Teachers providing service in the general education classroom. Certificate of Completion for Cognitive Impaired students Improving programs and services for center- based students to be serviced in our own district