Appendix.1 Network growth: Membership of the Core Community has continued to grow at a rate of approx. 1 per month, so that as at end Jan.’15 it had risen.


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Presentation transcript:

Appendix.1 Network growth: Membership of the Core Community has continued to grow at a rate of approx. 1 per month, so that as at end Jan.’15 it had risen to 56. In terms of partnerships, during the course of the year formal relationships have been established with: ECHAlliance (connected health) EFPC (primary care) ENOPE (patient empowerment) PROFOUND (prevention of falls network for dissemination) Mobile World Capital, Barcelona (mHealth competency Centre) And new links are currently being explored with: eUcePs (Utrecht European network for personalised health and self-management) And NetworkTUFH (the Network Towards Unity for Health).

Appendix 2 Fund-raising: Grants have been gratefully received from Jonathan Hazan (£ 30,000) and, to support the October 2014 EVY meeting, from PVI Radboud UMC, Nijmegen (€ 1,000) and NVTZ, Utrecht (€ 500). New income from European Commission projects (Empathie project money counted as generated last year at start of project): from PiSCE (Pilot project on promotion of Self Care in Europe), kick-off September 2014 (€ 40,000) Income from Consultancy to CfWI(Centre for Workforce Intelligence) (£ 2250)

Appendix 3 Brand-building Presentations - eHealth Conference (EC) Athens (May) Seminar on patient empowerment (with Nick G). EHMA annual conference, Birmingham (June) Seminar on PE (with Marius and Jim Phillips) EFPC annual conference, Barcelona (September) Seminar: PE and eHealth in primary care AESGP European section meeting, Brussels (September) presentation on PISCE project NetworkTUFH conference, Fortaleza (November) Seminar: Health Professionals Education EIP Reference Sites Collaborative network (RSCN) meeting, Brussels (December), presentation on pilot collaboration between RSCN and Empathie network on PE PSQCWG (SANCO patient safety and quality of care working group), Brussels (December) presentation on results of EMPATHIE project

Appendix 4 Profile through EC projects: EMPATHIE project on self-management in chronic diseases: completed October (eventually published by Commission, March 2015) PiSCE project on self-care in minor conditions and setting up of expert platform: consortium led by CBO and supported by EHFF successful in gaining tender. Kick-off September. DS one of three invited external expert to Expert Panel on future investment in health (EXPH) mandate on quality and patient safety (Feb-July: Commission published October) European Health Workforce planning Joint Action (EUHWF JA): EHFF continues as collaborating partner Chronic Diseases Joint Action (Chrodis-JA): EHFF continues as collaborating partner EHFF continues to be represented at the B3 (integrated care) Action group of the Commission EIP (European innovation partnership on active and healthy ageing) as convenor of the Empathie network (see Appendix 5 for more detail of Empathie activity)

Appendix 5 Profile through EHFF projects: EVY: although progress on this project has been gradual, in part thanks to sponsorship from Jonathan Hazan and others, and the work of Henk, Matthijs and David in Utrecht, there was a successful public event on October 17 th 2014 attracting more than 50 participants (and four members of the EHFF Board) and summarized on the EHFF website. There is a very active EVY LinkedIn group with 145 members. The next event, for April 26, 2015, is a roundtable and from this, one planned output is a formal (costed) business plan for expansion of EVY’s activities during Empathie network: increased to 22 member organisations, this group remains very active in the EIP, promoting patient empowerment. Many of the network members are also contributing to the Expert Platform that was approved by the Commission for the PISCE project, in the early part of Following the Athens exercise (see Appendix 3 for detail), and on the advice of George Crooks, lead for Action area B3 and of Brian O’Connor, Chair of ECHAlliance, Nick Guldemond and DS attended a RSCN meeting in Montpellier in November and canvassed support for the pilot collaboration on PE as another cross-cutting theme for the EIP (the first meeting of the pilot is reported in Appendix 3 and led to a bid for a slot at the EIP summit in Brussels, March, 2015, which was successful). The Empathie network also contributes to the EIP Synergies, cross-Action areas group (reports, see EHFF website). EVY and the Empathie network have web areas on the EHFF website that need restyling during Web conversations: two successful events took place, on 28 Feb. and Dec. 6 th. There have been technical problems to overcome, and this programme has had a slow take-off but more events are planned to take place in The two events in 2014 can both be accessed on YouTube.

Appendix 6 Four emerging targets for 2014: engagement with different SANCO/SANTE departments: with the pending departure of A.D-C, who has been supportive over the years, an approach was made to the incoming head of Unit, Maria Gomez and there was an hour long meeting with her and her team in Jan Neither Michael Hubel’s chronic disease team or colleagues from DGConnect have been approached, except, in the latter case, in the context of the EIP, where there has been limited contact. education, education…….: Jeni Bremner of EHMA may move on next year but discussion has been had with her re starting an SIG for health managers on futures thinking, building on our presentations to annual conferences in 2014 and Johanna Dahlberg from Linkoping is the European representative of the NetworkTUFH and was nominated as an appropriate link person by EFPC in setting up a SIG on innovation in education for health professionals. Following a meeting in Brazil, Johanna has joined the EHFF core community innovation and industry: basis for links with umbrella industry organisations – ECHAlliance sponsors ‘eco-systems’ across Europe. EHFF is building a trust relationship with the central organisation. Health 2.0 has technical orientated health futures ‘meet-up’s’ in London and some other European cities. We are negotiating with Health 2.0 Europe re access to these other networks – we already have links with London Health 2.0. Joan Cornet of Mobile World Capital, Barcelona has shown interest in synergies with EHFF and there has been more than one face to face meeting. Supporting AESGP Europe (the umbrella group for over-the-counter pharma) in joining the PISCE project may allow access to pharma. companies with some converging interests. innovation in communication: little progress in this area

Appendix 7 Revisiting core values: Almost by definition, given the formulation of the EHFF Mission statement, core values are periodically discussed in an iterative manner by Board members, usually in the context of monthly Skype meetings. Equally there is an ongoing review of our activity in the context of the VFN literature, which was much discussed at the inception of EHFF prior to early The strategy meeting in Jan at Gatwick Airport allowed an extended review of EHFF’s activity. Although the event generated a lot of enthusiasm among the attendees (nearly 30 including those linked via Skype) the executive team are keen to consolidate what we may have learnt, and to approach the other core members who weren’t able to come, to establish a revised vision for EHFF as well as a logical direction of travel. A dedicated team to manage this process has been set up at the end of March 2015 and will report to the core community group from time to time, aiming to engage them as much as possible in the whole process.