c keynote
Karls story
back story
We have a problem with math literacy. It affects 10 out of every 6 people.
#1-31 odd
teachers teaching teachers
research pedagogy technology
reexamine everything
August 2006
Did You Know?
In a rapidly changing, information abundant world...
What should students know and be able to do?
Content vs. Skills
Content and Skills
Learn and Relearn
What does it mean to be literate in the 21st century?
Literacy means being able to consume and produce the media forms of the day. - Jason Ohler
Fluency is the ability to practice literacy at the advanced levels required for sophisticated communication within social and workplace environments. - Jason Ohler
Digital Footprint
your ninth graders?
What should "school" orlearning look like...
In a world where almost all factual information is literally a click away?
text GOOGL (46645)
How do we help students create their own Personal Learning Networks?
intellectual curiosity
standards... but not standardized
your age?
Our past... Or their future...
Who do we answer to?
We are the system
Annes story
Karl Fisch & Anne Smith Arapahoe High School thefischbowl.blogspot.com learningandlaptops.blogspot.com tinyurl.com/case08