March 2, 2015 W ARM -U P : Welcome, find your seat – there is a card with a name taped to each computer. Remember this seat! It will be your computer for testing!!!
Tonight’s Homework Unit 5 Vocabulary Flash Cards due Friday
Today’s Objective SWBAT (Students Will Be Able To)… use the computer to take the practice test for the Computer Adapted Test for the Smarter Balance Assessment. discuss any problems/ issues they had while taking the practice test for the Computer Adapted Test for the Smarter Balance Assessment.
Taking the Test Student actions: open icon on desk-top log-in with 3 things: Student first name (as it appears on the ticket) Student 10 digit SS id# (on ticket) Test session id # (written on the board)
Smarter Balance Assessment practice CAT. When you think you are finished with your test: 1. End the testing session 2. Log off of the computer 3. Find something to do silently – you may not communicate with any other student during the testing time period.