2005 UCAR Office of Program Annual Report Jack Fellows,UOP Director Open House. Not going over the Annual Report -- I’ll be summarizing UOP and its programs as a brief guide for the Open House. Updates. Provide brief UOP program updates. UOP Awards. Highlight a few recent UOP awards.
UCAR Office of Program Creation. Created in 1992 at the request of the UCAR community. Mission. Helping the UCAR community meet its collective research and education needs. Central Attributes. -Community initiated -Community led and governed -Community service oriented F ocus: -Education and Training -Technology Development and Data Services -Program Support Annual Written Report on the web -- a summary of what we have accomplished together over the past year!
the UCAR Open House Joint Office of Science Support (JOSS) Visiting Scientist Program (VSP) Unidata Cooperative Operational Meteorology Education and Training (COMET) Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate (COSMIC) The GLOBE Program National Science Digital Library Central Office (NSDL) Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) Program Center
Education and Training Contribute and find materials via DLESE or NSDL. Use DLESE and NSDL tools in the classroom and in research projects. Attend DLESE and NSDL community meetings – see NSDL partners. UCAR MEMBERS THAT ARE NSDL PROJECT PARTNERS: University of Arizona University of California, Berkeley University of California, Los Angeles University of Colorado, Boulder Columbia University Cornell University Drexel University University of Hawaii University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign John Hopkins University University of Maryland University of Michigan, Ann Arbor North Carolina State University The Ohio State University University of Oklahoma Old Dominion University Oregon State University Rice University Rutgers University Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego Stanford University Texas A & M University University of Texas, Austin Utah State University University of Utah University of Virginia University of Washington University of Wisconsin, Madison Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Education and Training Use COMET graphics and modules. ~11 new ones just in the past year. Unidata data and tool training workshops and webcasts. VSP supported 80 scientific appointments in 2005! Climate postdoc, fellowships, and a variety of visiting scientist opportunities are available across the nation. Engage the GLOBE schools and measurement protocols in your local, regional, and international research and education projects (in 110 countries)
Technology Development and Data Services Use Unidata data and tools in the classroom and in field campaigns. Learn more about the exciting new COSMIC radio occultation data sets that will become available over the next two years – including user workshops. Adopt DLESE search and retrieval webservices.
Program Support Travel and workshop support. Expertise. Provide scientific, technical and management expertise for national and international programs. Report. Preparation and dissemination. Financial. Provide effective methods to transfer federal funds between organizations. CLIVAR Keystone Conference
Program Updates Instrument Training. With +12 community members, we submitted a proposal to NSF to hold an instrumentation training workshop, capture as a COMET module, and distributed via DLESE. Despite high panel review marks, it was not funded (8% success rate). UCAR community survey had 23 pages of positive comments on this idea. We will pursue. GLOBE Changes. Ed Geary became GLOBE Acting Director after Craig Blurton left. New large-scale science project focus in Next Generation GLOBE proposal. JOSS Changes. JOSS/Field Operations and Data Management group moves to NCAR EOL. JOSS Program Support group staying in UOP. DLESE Changes. NSF will let DLESE funding expire in New digital library vision will be in a fall 2005 solicitation. Hurricane Katrina. UOP Unidata and DLESE involved in both the pre- and post- disaster help. Looking for opportunities to further serve – transforming the atmospheric sciences together!
Polar Lows: 2004 Brandon Hall Excellence in Learning “GOLD” Award Hurricane Strike!™ : 2004 AMS’ Louis J. Batten Author’s Award COMET Honors for Outstanding Educational Materials Rip Currents: Honorable Mention 2005 NSF Science & Engineering Visualization Challenge NSF_demo.html