1 Gold ND Community Call February 4, 2014
2 Agenda NDTAC Update: Using Adobe Connect A Closer Look: Non-Delinquent Programs –Funding for At-Risk programs –Data Collection from Neglected programs “That Time of Year”: CSPR Check-In –Any issues with data collection? –How is CSPR data submission going? Peer-to-Peer Discussion: Use of Funds –Professional Development What’s New: NDTAC Products –Teacher Loan Forgiveness Tip Sheet –Subgrantee Monitoring Tip Sheet –Institution Wide Project Planning –SSD COP e-Digest
3 Using Adobe Connect Allie Woods will take us through Adobe Connect step-by-step
1. Type the webinar’s URL into the address bar.
2. Choose “Enter as a Guest” 3. Type in your first and last name 4. Click “Enter Room”
5. Choose “Dial-out” and type in your 10-digit phone number. 6. Click “Join”
5. a. Choose “Dial-in” 6.a. Dial the Toll Free number, enter the participant code.
7. Click “Done” after you have dialed in
10 Funding Non D Programs: At Risk States in Gold Community that use Subpart 2 funds to fund At-Risk programs: AZ (58 programs, 1330 students, 76%) CA (135 programs, students, 33%) CO (2 programs, 151 students, 6%) FL (223 programs, students, 41%) MD (3 programs, 565 students, 56%) MA (5 programs, 184 students, 6%) OR (16 programs, 2183 students, 65%) WA (34 programs, 1626 students, 21%)
11 Collecting Data from Non D Programs: Neglected Programs States in Gold Community that have Subpart 1 Neglected programs: CT (1 programs, 52 students, 2%) NJ (28 programs, 871 students, 27%) NC (6 programs, 265 students, 6%) OR (27 programs, 1848 students, 68%)
12 Collecting Data from Non D Programs: Neglected Programs States in Gold Community that have Subpart 2 Neglected programs: CA (197 programs, 6052 students, 8%) CT (2 programs, 74 students, 4%) FL (15 programs, 711 students, 3%) MD (5 programs, 128 students, 13%) MA (35 programs, 2724 students, 84%) OH (48 programs, 2619 students, 13%) OR (4 programs, 176 students, 5%) PA (79 programs, 4692 students, 18%)
13 SY 2012–13 CSPR (polling questions) 1.Have you had any issues come up with collecting the SY 2012 – 13 CSPR Data? –Yes –No –I’m not sure 2.If yes, what issues came up?
14 SY 2012–13 CSPR (polling questions) 3.Has your state submitted their data into EDFacts and CSPR? –Yes –No, not yet –I’m not sure
15 CSPR Deadlines EDFacts: 5:00 pm ET on Feb 13 th CSPR: 5:00 pm ET on Feb 14 th
16 NDTAC’s CSPR Resources
17 Peer-to-Peer Discussion Ohio’s example of utilizing Title I, Part D funds for professional development Any other questions/examples to share/review in this peer-to-peer discussion?
18 NDTAC Products
19 NDTAC Products
20 NDTAC Products
21 Supportive School Discipline e-Digest
22 Our Next Call Date/Time: June 3, 2014, 1 p.m. ET Topics: You decide! Co-Facilitator(s): ?