Yeah for Friday!! Learning Goal: To understand how to use the problem solving method factor label Hand back air bag labs and go over expectations More practice with Factor Label (online activity and density problems) Homework
Air Bags – On Mars and in Cars Lab Report Components Pre-lab: State purpose of experiment Identify safety precautions specific to this experiment Summarize procedure for Part 1 and Part 2 During Lab and Post Lab: Data Table and Observations for Part 1 Data Table and Observations for Part 2 Calculations Conclusion restate purpose, identify the optimum mixture of baking soda and vinegar, explain why this is the optimum mixture, identify 2 sources of error and explain how this error affected your results Extension Questions
Yeah for Friday! Answer the following questions in your notes: GasDensity (g / L) Chlorine2.95 Nitrogen1.17 Neon0.84 Ammonia0.718 Methane A sample of gas has a mass of 5.0 grams and a volume of mL, what is the density? 2.Using the table below, which gas is this? 3.What is the mass in kg of 14.0 L of gasoline? The density of gasoline is g/cm 3. Remember, 1 mL = 1 cm 3.
Homework: Take Air Bag Moodle Quiz by Monday night at midnight (only one attempt) Finish Factor Label problems (online)