Page 1 Packing Open Stock for UCC128 By MIS Department
Page 2 Packing 00A for UCC128 Open Stock (00A) orders do not generate UCC128 labels as pick tickets Instead, the pick tickets must be packed in RLM (not the guns) to create the labels, and then added to the Manifest for billing This process may be necessary when shipping seconds to customers requiring a UCC128. (Skip to Main Menu)Skip to Main Menu
Page 3 Glossary of Training Terms The following terms will be used throughout this training program: –Field: A box on the screen into which you enter information –Value: The information (data) being entered in the field. Example: Division number, FGPO number –Icon: An image you may click to perform a function such as select, submit or exit –(Single-)Click: Also “Select.” Hitting the left mouse button once. This will activate an icon or select a row in a list of values –Double-click: Hitting the left mouse button twice o the same part of the screen. Used only to select and return a value from a list.
Page 4 Enter your User ID and Password here Note: User ID and Password are initially assigned by MIS. You will be prompted to change it the first time you login. The password field IS case-sensitive. Sign On Hit the Enter key to proceed
Page 5 Press the Enter key Welcome
Page 6 RLM Main Menu Type the Company number Type the number of the “Carton Control” option and press Enter
Page 7 Manifesting Menu Type 1 for “Online packing of Picking Tickets…” and press Enter
Page 8 Security ID Check Type your security ID for both Packer and Picker and press Enter Note: The security ID is usually your initials. Contact Hotline if you do not have an ID or it does not work.Hotline
Page 9 Scan Pick Ticket – WRONG SCREEN You can use this screen if it appears, but it is better to press F8 and change the default options.
Page 10 Set Packing Options Match your entries to the entries shown on this screen Enter your label printer outq here Press Enter to submit
Page 11 Scan Pick Ticket Enter the pick ticket number or scan the barcode. The number will start with “01” and the division number. Press Enter if necessary The screen should now look like this:
Page 12 No Existing Carton Labels Press F22 to add the first carton
Page 13 Scan Unit to Carton Scan or type the UPC of the unit to be packed Press F16 to allow the multiplier to be changed, if necessary
Page 14 Unit Packed! The scanned style and size appears in the top of the screen Continue scanning/typing UPCs
Page 15 Unit Packed! The total units in the carton increased by 1 Notice that the total packed to the pick ticket also increased by 1
Page 16 Scanned More than Ordered If you try to scan more units of a style and size to the carton than has been ordered, this error will appear. Contact Order Entry if the order must be adjusted.
Page 17 Complete Carton (F12) When the carton has been packed complete, press F12 to close the carton, print the UCC128 label and start a new carton
Page 18 New Carton Started Notice the new carton number Notice the total quantity in the carton is now zero Begin scanning again (see Slide 14)Slide 14
Page 19 Complete the Pick Ticket When all the units on the Pick Ticket have been packed… …Press F13 to complete the pick ticket and print the UCC128 label
Page 20 Pick Ticket Not Equal to Carton Quantity The difference is how many units still need to be packed If you pressed the key to complete the pick ticket without all the units packed, this screen appears: If you do not want to short pack the pick ticket, press F2 to return to scanning
Page 21 Pick Ticket Not Equal to Carton Quantity If you do want to pack the pick ticket short (due to lack of inventory, for example), enter the password and… …Press F13 to update the quantity on the pick ticket and complete it (and print label)
Page 22 Review Cartons Not Packed You may also press F5 to review the units packed and not packed
Page 23 Review Units not Packed Press F2 to go back to the Adjust ScreenAdjust Screen P: is Pick Ticket Expected Quantity A: is Actually packed D: is the Difference If “More…” is displayed use the Pg Down or Roll ↑ key to scroll down the list
Page 24 Pick Ticket Completed When a Pick Ticket is completed, the system returns to this screen. Exit (F3) or scan to pack another Pick Ticket.
Page 25 Miscellaneous Functions Review Cartons (F6)Review Cartons Remove Units from Carton (F7)Remove Units from Carton
Page 26 Review Cartons Press F6 to review the cartons created so far
Page 27 List of Cartons Line Options: M to open the carton for scanningscanning P to re-print the carton label R to remove units S to see a list of the units by style and size in each carton. Press Enter on each to continue
Page 28 Review Carton Contents
Page 29 Delete Carton To delete a carton line, type D on the line and press Enter. The line will disappear
Page 30 Delete ALL Cartons To delete ALL cartons from the pick ticket, press F7
Page 31 Delete All Cartons To delete ALL cartons from the pick ticket, press F7 again. Press Enter to cancel
Page 32 Miscellaneous Functions Review Cartons (F6) Remove Units from Carton (F7)Remove Units from Carton
Page 33 Remove Units from Carton From the scanning screen, press F7 to remove units from a carton
Page 34 Scan to Remove Units Scan the UPC of the unit which is to be removed Press F16 to allow changing of the multiplier
Page 35 Use Multiplier (F16) Type the number to be scanned in the Multiplier field Scan the UPC of the unit which is to be removed. Note that as many units as specified in the Multiplier will be removed from the carton! Press F16 again to disallow changing of the multiplier
Page 36 Unit Removed! Notice the last style removed displays in the bottom half of the screen
Page 37 What Happens Next Packing a Pick Ticket results in the printing of a UCC128 label for each carton on the Pick Ticket – be sure to put the correct label on the carton! Once all the Pick Tickets to be shipped are packed, the tickets may be added to the Manifestadded to the Manifest The Manifest process will create 856 ASN (and 810 Invoice) documents in EDI for the customer.