Hoffman Middle School Library Media Center Your Key To Information Your Key To Success Your Key To Information Your Key To Success Libraries Impact Student Achievement
Who works in the library? Ms Callaway, Librarian Ms. Nolan, Library Assistant
Book Club Fiction Faction book club will meet after school once a week. Come eat and talk about the book you read that month.
Some of last year’s book club members
Lone Star Books Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi Forgive My Fins by Tera Lynn Ghilds Forgive My Fins Forgive My Fins Heist Society by Ally Carter Heist Society by Ally Carter Heist Society by Ally Carter
Lone Star Books Total Tragedy of a Girl Named Hamlet by Erin Dionne Total Tragedy of a Girl Named Hamlet by Erin Dionne Total Tragedy of a Girl Named Hamlet by Erin Dionne The Last Summer of the Death Warriors by Francisco Stork The Last Summer of the Death Warriors by Francisco Stork The Last Summer of the Death Warriors by Francisco Stork Vampire Rising by Jason Henderson Vampire Rising by Jason Henderson Vampire Rising by Jason Henderson
Fiction Books
Fiction books are shelved alphabetically by the Author’s last name. Labels attached to the spine will label the books genre: Mystery, Romance, Sports, Historical Fiction, Realistic Fiction, etc. Some books will also have labels for awards they have been nominated for or won. The Fiction Section/ Pleasure Reading Section is in the front of the library.
Nonfiction Section Nonfiction books are shelved using the Dewey Decimal System. Nonfiction books include books about sports, art, drugs, History, people, etc. Biographies of people are located in the 921 and 920 section of Nonfiction. The Nonfiction Section of the library is to the back of the library.
Finding Books You can browse the shelves to find books about subjects and by authors you have never read. You can use the computer to find out if Hoffman Library has a certain book or if another library in Aldine has it. You may request the book if Hoffman Library does not have it. (Ask Ms. Nolan or Ms. Callaway for instructions to use the “My Library” feature of the Aldine Website.
LMC computers are used for : Research and School projects
School Work! You will be assigned to a specific computer every time you need to work. You may not change computers without being re-assigned. This applies to all computer use whether you are here with a teacher or by yourself.
Research You may use the Aldine Data Bases for class assignments. Printing There is a 3 page limit After that, there is a 10 cent/page charge Save all work on your teacher’s network folder or flash drive.
Typing work Word Powerpoint Publisher
When is the library open and What can I do? 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Before first period and during the lunch (if there are no scheduled classes) I Can: research ( this must be a classroom assignment) read check out books homework
Sign In Students must sign in before any activity unless they are with their class. Any student coming independently must have a pass issued by their teacher.
Students coming in with a pass must sign in and fill in all information requested. Fill in all blank spaces
Hoffman ID Badge Every Student will be given a Hofffman ID Badge. You will need your badge every time you check out a book or use the internet.
How do I check out a book? Bring your book and Hoffman ID badge to the circulation counter. Your badge will be scanned. The barcode on the book will be scanned into the computer. Books are checked out for a two week-period. The due date will be stamped in the back-of the book.
The book drop - what is that noise? 8 th grade students may use the book drop in the hall way. We will hear the loud noise your book makes when you drop it in. 7 th grade students must return their books at the front desk book drop.
Overdue Books Students are responsible for getting their library books turned in on time!!! You may use the book drop or bring the book into the library. Don’t give the book to anyone else to return.
Why should I worry if my book is overdue? If you have an overdue book or a fine to pay, you will not be allowed to check out another book.
Overdue Notices Overdue notices will be ed to your teacher. The notice will tell you if your library book is overdue. It may also tell you that you turned it in late and now owe an overdue fine.
Overdue Fines Students who have overdue books will be charged ten cents per book, per school day. You won’t be charged for weekend days or holidays.
Fine Payment You can pay for a lost book or a fine at Ms. Nolan’s desk. Student aide’s are not allowed to take a payment. Never give your money to a student aide.
Important Point!!! The amount of the overdue fine will not increase after the book is returned to the LMC. You can turn your book in today and pay the fine another day!!!
What if I lose the book? Most books are found in classrooms and at home. If you can’t find the book, you will need to pay the replacement cost. No overdue fine will be charged. Check with the library to see if someone else turned the book in.
Read, Learn, the Library Remember - we are here to help you. See you soon!