Drug Identification and Toxicology Toxicology: study of poisons and the identification of drugs Toxicity depends on many factors dose duration Nature of exposure Individual characteristics
Forensic Toxicology Determines cause and effect relationship between exposure to a drug and its toxic effects
Drug Identification Could be a cause of death or a factor contributing to a death What’s the difference?
Classification of Toxic substances Intentionally: drug is taken to treat an illness or pain Accidentally: ex. Anna Nicole Smith Deliberately: : as in suicide or exposures intended to harm or kill
History Socrates : hemlock 17 th C: poison profession –Royalty used arsenic –(inheritance powder and cyanide Toxic in small amounts
Murder by Poison <0.5% of homicides Nazi leaders: ingested cyanide capsules 1945 Jonestown cult: cyanide laced punch 1978 Ricin killed Bulgarian dissident Georgi Markov Russian ex spy Alexander Litvinenko: radiation 2006
Acute poisoning : high does over a short period of time Cyanide can be ingested or inhalation Chronic poisoning : lower doses over long time mercury and lead
Controlled Substances 5 Classes 1.Hallucinogens 2.Narcotics 3.Stimulants 4.Anabolic steroids 5.depressants
Hallucinogens Affect –Perceptions –Thinking –Self awareness –emotions Plant derived Mescaline ( peyote: cactus) Marijuana Chemically derived LCD ecstasy PCP
Narcotics Reduce pain by suppressing the CNS ability to relay pain messages to the brain Opium Heroin Codeine Vicodin Morphine Precocet oxycotin Difficulty breathing Low blood pressure Drowsiness Coma Cold clammy skin Small pupils
Stimulants Increase feelings of energy and alertness Suppress appetite Often depression afterwards Amphetamines Cocaine Crack Methamphetamines (most potent) Rise in temp Sweating Confusion Rapid breathing Dilated pupils High blood pressure Kidneys Bleeding in brain = death
Anabolic Steroids Promote cell tissue growth Chemical like testosterone Used for low levels of testosterone and muscle wasting diseases Side effects: –Acne, baldness, high blood pressure and cholesterol, sterility, blood clotting, kidney and liver cancers and heart attacks
Depressants Barbiturates and benzodiazepines Relieve anxiety Produce sleep Decrease heart rate –Increase activity of NT: GABA –causing drowsiness and slow brain activity –Side effecdts: slurred speeach, loss of coordination –Slow heart rate and respiration can cause coma and death
Organic toxins: venom is a toxin from animal to human Pesticides: duration of exposure is imp EEEEK!
Poisons = death by inhibiting production of ATP Hydrogen cyanide Carbon monoxide Potassium chloride/ sodium pentothal (lethal injections)
ALL Alcohols are toxic Methanol – converted to formaldehyde in the liver Ethanol – converts to acetaldehyde and then acetic acid too much build up =hangover from dehydration -depress CNS Chronic = liver damage and dangerous behavior
Bacterial Toxins Botulism: most poisonous biological substance to humans –Clostridium botulinum Neurotoxin Paralysis by blocking release of Ach
Tetanospasmin: toxin –Clostridium tetani –Poison blocks signals from spine to muscles causing spasms so severe tear muscles and break bones Worldwide : 1 million deaths/year US 5 /year
Heavy metals Arsenic, Lead and Mercury Ingested, inhalation, absorption Stored in soft tissue damaging organs
Bioterrorism Agents Ricin: waste product of castor oil production Lethal in a dose the size of a pin Death caused by the prohibition of proteins Inhalation: <8 hrs; diff breathing, Few hours: fever, cough, nausea, sweating, tightness in chest, low blood pressure, excess fluid in lungs and death Ingestion: <6 hrs: vomiting, diarrhea, bloody urine, dehydration, low blood pressure, hallucinations, seizures and death Skin and eye: redness and pain
Anthrax Bacillus anthracis forms endospores Inhalation: flu like symptoms; worsen breathing problems and usually death Ingestion: nausea, vomiting, fever, ab pain, severe diarrhea, fatal % of cases Skin absorption: raised itchy bump like an insect bite, painless sore with a black center 20% fatality if untreated
Five Common Drug Tests 1.Marquis – opium alkaloids 2.Cobalt thiocyanate – cocaine 3.P-DMAB – LSD 4.Duquenois – marijuana 5.Cobalt acetate/isopropylamine – barbituates
Marquis Test detects Herointurns purple Morphineturns purple Codeine turns purple Amphetamines turns red- brown
2. Cobalt thiocyanate Cocaine produces blue flaky participate
3. P- dimenthlyaminobenzaldehyde p-DMAB Turns blue in the presence of LSD
4. Duquenois Test Produces a purple color in the presence of marijuana
5. Cobalt acetate/isopropylamine Test Red-violet color produced in the presence of barbiturates
Drugs and Poisons Lab Read the background information In groups of 4, perform the steps at each Experiment station Take notes in the back of the lab and fill out the data sheet When complete, your group can complete the Crime Scene analysis