Murder or Suicide? Detectives Casebook Identify the victim Results from toxicology test: Was the victim poisoned? Results from chromatography test: Was the victims pen, recovered at the scene, used to write the suicide note? Results from fingerprinting: analysis Whose fingerprints have been recovered on the bottle of poison linking them to the scene? Results from handwriting analysis: Did the victim write the suicide note ? If not, who did? Who was the person who left blood at the scene? Who are the primary suspect(s)? Was the death a suicide or murder? You should include the following in your final presentation (one per group of 2-3)
Materials In a group of 3, you will need: –1 forceps1 piece of filter paper –1 vial1 blood typing plate –1 ruler1 container of litmus paper –1 scissorsHandwriting samples –Urine sample from victim –Fingerprint samples –Copy of the Suicide note
Goal for Today Make rough sketch of crime scene –Be sure to label all of the evidence Complete the following forensic tests: –Handwriting Analysis –Fingerprint Analysis –Toxicology –Chromatography –Blood Analysis
Stating your results Format: Photostory, VoiceThread or Movie Maker One presentation per group (2-3) Include pictures as well as a verbal explanation Include answers to all of the questions on the first slide…you ultimately want to determine whether this was murder or suicide
Format of Presentation VoiceThread – Movie Maker – Program File on your computer Photo Story – Program File on your computer