Input and Output Devices and other things that you plug into the computer
Standard Input Devices Keyboard PS/2 USB Bluetooth Pointing Device Mouse – desktop and notebook computers ○ Usually an extra device on notebooks Trackpad – mostly on notebook computers
Almost Standard Input Devices WebCam Usually built in on modern notebook computers Built in on some monitors Microphone Scanner Game Controller
Esoteric Input Devices Midi keyboard Medical input Devices MRI Ultrasound Tomography Barcode reader Mouse (3D / 6D) Haptic Devices
Standard Output Devices Printer Video Display Systems Controller Monitor Audio Systems
Esoteric Output Devices Head Mounted Display Plotter Microfilm Stereo Lithography (3D printing) LSC 164 to the right of the two monitors
Other Peripherals External Hard Drives Flash Drives External Optical Drives And Other things that I’ve forgotten