El Carmelo Green Team We are a group of parent and staff volunteers working with student leadership, PTA, and staff to change social norms towards environmental instincts at El Carmelo Elementary School. Thanks Gunn Green Team for this language!
El Carmelo Green Team Green Team Members: Brian Goncher, Jennifer Mutz, Marjorie Sayer, Vandana Singh, and Megan Swezey Fogarty and staff members Leslie Bell, Diane McCoy, and Chuck Merritt We will work with PTA, Leadership, staff and students. If you want to join,
El Carmelo Green Team We work in 4 areas: School commuting Energy use reduction Waste reduction Recycling Education and Special Events.
School Commuting Follow-up on Bike Safety classes and Walk and Roll with more incentives for leaving the personal car at home (JM). Change school racks to accommodate more bikes (CM). Explore water bottles or lunch box prizes, green club cards, and creating a “How I came to school” histogram to build momentum over time (BG, MS et al). Work with PTA to expand walking buses.
Energy Use Reduction Explore energy patrol to check lights that don’t turn off automatically (CM/DM) Have a contest for kids to submit energy saving ideas that can be published in the Carmeletter (VS). Check with the District to see if there are energy saving incentives... (CM) Explore exhibits on campus to show new energy sources on the horizon (BG)
Waste Reduction Continue reminders to encourage students to use reusable lunch box items. Make a composting plan part of the landscaping and school garden planning (CM). Create GOOS (Good On Other Side) baskets for each classroom (DM). Ensure that PTA and staff send only one copy of communications to each family. Ask the PTA to put a note on every event flyer encouraging families to bring their own dishes/utensils.
Recycling Continue focus on lunch time and classroom recycling of anything and everything. Explore adding rinsing stations for yogurt containers etc. Consider ordering only recycled school materials and supplies (both staff and PTA) Explore the benefits of compostable plates and utensils.. Make composting part of the landscaping and school garden planning (CM). Create GOOS (Good On Other Side)baskets for each classroom. (DM) Ensure that PTA and staff only send one copy of communications to each family. Ask the PTA to put a note on every event flyer encouraging families to bring their own dishes/utensils.
Education and Special Events Put an educational article in each Carmeletter: plastic bottles, recycling do’s and don’ts, zero waste lunch, eating locally. Feature a parent exchange of going green ideas. Feature a student exchange of energy saving ideas. (VS,JM, MS, MSF) January 20-24: Give It All Away Week (MSF) Earth Day - April