Possession a romance
CHAPTER 1 Function: to introduce the reader to the research of Roland about an hypothetical love story between Ash and a girl Focus: letters, Roland’s research Characters: Roland Mitchell, the librarian Settings: ten in the morning, one day in September 1986/ in the reading room of the London Library; at 11:00 Roland found the relevant passage in Vico/ at 11:15 Roland found the two drafts of the letters; after midday he returns home Language used: use of quotations (The Garden of Proserpina), many details, juxtaposition of a Victorian-like style and contemporany use of the language
CHAPTER 2 Function: to explains Roland life, and his relationship between Val; to describe their house Focus: Roland’s life Characters: Roland, Val Settings: in the evening, at their house Language used: use of quotations (Ragnarok, a Robert graves’ Poem), detailed description
CHAPTER 3 Function: to introduce the reader the character of Christabel LaMotte. Focus: Roland’s research, desription of Blackadder and of the “Ash Factory”, dialogue between Roland and Blackadder, dialogue between Roland and Fergus Characters: Roland, Blackadder, Paola, Fergus Settings: Bloomsbury, the next morning/ British Museum, Ash Factory, in the afternoon Language used: use of quotations (Ragnarok/Gods,Men and Heros), a very detailed description, dialogue
CHAPTER 4 Function: to complete the explanation about Christabel LaMotte, to introduce the character of Maud Bailey Focus: quotations Characters: Roland, Maud Settings: Lincoln, Lincoln University, Lincoln Library, Women’s resource centre, in the afternoon/ Maud’s house, in the evening Language used:use of quotations (Christabel LaMotte’s poems/ Blanche Glover’s diary/ The Glass Coffin), a description with many details, dialogue
CHAPTER 5 Function: to explicate that the relationship between Ash and Christabel has real existed Focus: description of the wolds of Lincolnshire, finding of new letters Characters: Roland, Maud, Joan Bailey, George Bailey Settings: Wolds of Lincolnshire, in the morning/ Sir George Bailey’s house, Christabel LaMotte’s room Language used: description, use of quotations (R.H.Ash, The Incarcerated Sorceress/ LaMotte’s poems/ letters between Ash and LaMotte), dialogue
CHAPTER 6 Function: to let the reader know about Cropper’ s research Focus: Cropper’s constant research of something new about Ash’ life Characters: Cropper, Mrs Daist Wapshott Settings: Mrs Daist Wapshott’s house Language used: Description, dialogue, use of quotations (Ash’s The Great Collector/ Ash’s letters/ Cropper’s writings)
CHAPTER 7 Function: to make the reader clear about the relationship between Ash and his wife Ellen Focus: the letter that Roland received from Joan Bailey Characters: Beatrice Nest, Roland, Val, Euan MacIntyre, Cropper Settings: Beatrice’s house, before lunch/ Roland’s house, at lunch Language used: use of quotations (LaMotte’s poem/ Ellen’s journal), description, dialogue
CHAPTER 8 Function: to enter in the middle of Roland and Maud’s research Focus: Fergus’ letters to maud, Leonora’s letter Characters: Maud, Roland, Joan Bailey Settings: G. Bailey’s House (in Seal Court)/ Maud’s home, in the evening/ G. Bailey’s House, the next day (all the day and all the night) Language used: Description, quotation (LaMotte’s poems/ Ash’s writings/ letters from Leonora and Fergus), dialogue
CHAPTER 9 Function: Focus: LaMotte’s story “The Threshold” Characters: Settings: Language used: Narration
CHAPTER 10 Function: to explain the reader the relationship between the two Victorian lovers Focus: letters between Ash and Christabel Characters: Randolph Henry Ash, Christabel LaMotte Settings: Language used:
CHAPTER 11 Function: Focus: Ash’s poem “Swammerdam” Characters: Settings: Language used: poetry
CHAPTER 12 Function: To create a sort of suspance Focus: Ash’s letters to Ellen, Ellen’s journal Characters: Roland, Maud, Val, Beatrice Nest, Fergus Settings:Bethany in Richmond, a sunny Day in april/ Val’s house/ Beatrice nest’s house/ 2 days after, in Museum Street Language used: use of quotations (LaMotte’s poem/Ash’s letters/Ellen’s journal)
CHAPTER 13 Function: To create a parallelism between the 2 story lines Focus: Investigation on Ash and Lamotte’s possible journey in Yorkshire Characters: Maud, Roland Settings: Yorkshire, The Hoff Lunn Spout Hotel Language used: Quotations (Ash’s Ragnarok, Cropper’s account of the Yorkshire trip, Leonora's description of CLM's landscape), description, narration, dialogue.
CHAPTER 14 Function: To make more clear the parallelism between the 2 story lines Focus: Connection of the 2 story lines Characters: Maud, Roland Settings: Yorkshire, the next day, Boggle Hole Language used: Quotations (Ash’s Ask to Embla, Ash’s letter, Lamotte’s Melusina), dialogue, desription, narration.
CHAPTER 15 Function: to explain the reader the relationship between Randolph and Christabel Focus: the journey in Yorkshire of the two Victorian lovers Characters: Randolph, Christabel Settings: Yorkshire Language used: description, narration, dialogue
CHAPTER 16 Function: Focus: the proem of “the fairy melusine” Characters: Settings: Language used: poetry
CHAPTER 17 Function: to introduce Fergus and Cropper’s intentions Focus: Fergus’ ideas Characters: Blackadder, Fergus, Val, Cropper Settings: “Ash’s factory” / Val’s home / Soho, after lunch Language used: dialogue, narration
CHAPTER 18 Function: to explain the development of the plot Focus: dialogues Characters: Maud, Leonora, Blackadder, Sir George Bailey, Cropper, Paola, Byng Settings: Women’s Studies Resource Centre/ Maud’s home /Lincoln, the next day/ Ash’s factory Language used: dialogue, quotations (LaMotte’s poem/ Blanche’s writings/ letters of a French student of women’s writings), narration, description
CHAPTER 19 Function: to make clear the period when Christabel lived in Brittany by her relatives Focus: Sabine’s Journal Characters: Maud, Roland Settings: on a ship to France, at night Language used: quotations (LaMotte’s “The City of Is”/Sabine’s Journal), dialogue, narration
CHAPTER 20 Function: to create a sort of suspance (séance) Focus: Cropper’s effort to read Sir George’s letters regarding Ash and LaMotte Characters: Cropper, Sir George, Blackadder, Ms Patel, Leonora, Shushila, Ash, LaMotte Settings: a City church Language used: quotations (LaMotte’s poem/The Great Ventriloquist)
CHAPTER 21 Function: Focus: quotation (Ash's Mummy Possest) Characters: Settings: Language used: poetry
CHAPTER 22 Function: to make clear the new situation between Euan and Val Focus: Val and Euan’s relationship Characters: Val, Euan Maclntyre, Byng Settings: Newmarket Language used: narration, dialogue
CHAPTER 23 Function: to make clear to the reader the development of things Focus: the relationship between Roland and Maud Characters: Roland, Maud, Blackadder, Leonora, Cropper Settings: Brittany Language used: dialogue, narration
CHAPTER 24 Function: To make the reader clear that the letters in dispute belong to Maud Focus: the new discovery Characters: Maud, Roland, Val, Euan, Toby Settings: in Lincoln, October Language used: dialogue, narration
CHAPTER 25 Function: to let the reader understand about the relationship between Randolph and Ellen at the end of Randolph’s life Focus: on Ellen Ash’s Journal and on the flashback Characters: Ellen, Ash, Blanche Settings: Ash’s home, 27° November 1889 Language used: use of quotations (Ellen’s Journal/Cropper’s book/LaMotte’s letter), narration (flashback), dialogue
CHAPET 26 Function: To explain the reader Roland’s thoughts ad intentions Focus: Roland’s feelings Characters: Roland (October), evening-night Settings: Val’s home (also in the garden) Language used: use of quotations (Ash’s “The Garden of Proserpina/ Blackadder’s letter), narration, dialogue, description
CHAPTER 27 Function: to make clear who the letters belong to Focus: the discussion regarding the ownership of the letters Characters: Roland, Maud, Euan, Val, Blackadder, Leonora Settings: Beatrice Nest’s house Language used: use of quotations (an Ash’s poem), dialogue, narration, description
CHAPTER 28 Function: to let the reader understand how the story between Ash and LaMotte ended Focus: content of the box funded in Ash’s grave Characters: Cropper, Hildebrand Ash, Roland, Maud, leonora, Blackadder, Nest Settings: Ash’s grave, 1 a.m., 15° October Language used: quotation ( LaMotte’s letter to Ash)
POSTSCRIPT 1868 Function: to explain the reader that Randolph knew about the existence of his daughter May Focus: the meeting between Randolph and hid daughter Characters: Ash, Maia Settings: in a meadow, on a hot May day Language used: narration, description, dialogue