Ideas for Projects WELL 2012
Charity auction
Tree or flower planting
Working with orphans
Add wheelchair access
Volunteer with disabled people
Create library or resource center for hospital, school, or NGO
Trash pickup (with symbolic action)
Renovate community center or other NGO building
Paint fences or benches with cool message
Paint a mural with an inspiring message
Traffic safety campaign
Public awareness campaign
Photography/art exhibition
Recycling campaign
Seed bombs
Create a rain garden or playground
Charity concert
Used clothing drive
Seminar or workshop on important issue
More ideas…
Practice Random Acts of Kindness Stage a carnival or festival to promote community spirit Run or walk a Charity Race Plan an Ethnic Awareness Day Use chalk to write positive notes in public spaces Design a campaign to promote tolerance and understanding of differences Volunteer to lead a youth club Share a talent through teaching a class Make birthday cards for the elderly Recognize veterans in your community Decorate a school, shelter, hospital, or home for a holiday Offer a babysitting service during an event Play a game with children Do a history project with the elderly in your community by taking down
And more…. Become friends with a lonely child, adult, or the elderly Read books to children, the blind, or the elderly Visit the ill Make get-well cards for people in a hospital Knit baby blankets Make a cancer or AIDS mural to remember loved ones lost Collect toys, stuffed animals, and dolls for children in need Collect old clothes and donate them Perform a play to children about an important issue Create an awareness program with posters (poison, safety, fire) Collect money for a good cause Start a campaign against teen suicide Start a drug-free pledge campaign Start a neighborhood watch
Draw and paint art for hospitals, orphanages, or shelters Collect school supplies for children who need them Start a study group Help repair a building Organize a neighborhood garden Volunteer at a soup kitchen Make a public building wheelchair accessible Help clean gardens and parks Help neighbors paint and repair their homes Volunteer to teach a sport or start a team Produce a neighborhood or school newspaper Become a local guide Volunteer to clean-up trash, especially after an event Make signs for community buildings and sites of interest Set up an art exhibit Set up an informational display at a library Host a community event Clean up a vacant lot
Help fix a playground Build park benches Build trash cans Paint fences Host a concert or film festival Set up a recycling system Make bird feeders Start a compost pile Create a grocery/medical pick-up service for the elderly Host a dance Have a sing-a-long Paint over graffiti Organize a self-defense program Create and distribute a list of “hotlines” for people who might need –them Start an anti-smoking campaign Tutor students Create a TV or radio public service announcement about drugs or alcohol