„ Campus of Generations “ DART-Conference Demographic Change in Europe – Solutions for the Education, life-long learning, and job market Prague, Kerstin Grothe-Benkenstein Projectmanager UP Transfer GmbH at the University of Potsdam Knowledge and Technology Transfer
1 Improvement of job opportunities of ageing unemployed people (graduates 50+) Building up creativity and innovation ability of people at the age of 50+ Development of new ways for training of older work force to meet the job markets needs To show the high potential of the target group (in times of skills shortage) The Project - Objectives, Goals, Targets June 28th 2011
2 Initiator of the Project Prof. Dr. Dieter Wagner Vice-President for Knowledge and Technology Transfer at Potsdam University Project was developed in the context of the programme “older unemployed/older work force – experience meets challenges” of the ministry for labour, social, family and women affaires of the federal state Brandenburg Co-operation partners University of Potsdam Chamber of Industry and Commerce; employment agency; trade associations June 28th 2011 The Project – Organizer and Partners
3 Demographic change leads to a sharp increase of the population group aged 55 – 65 (+ 30%) until 2020 In 2020 this age group will be the strongest share (39%) of the employable population in Brandenburg At the same time increasing demand of qualified employees that can’t be met by only young work force In near future the production- and innovation process is to be managed by ageing and older labour force New ways and methods for qualifying and training have to be developed to meet the companies needs of work force The Project – Reasons and Motivations June 28th 2011
4 Unemployment in Brandenburg 55 + June 28th
5 applicationinterview 1. Application (2 months before qualification starts) Development center Qualificationplacement 2. Qualification (6 months – 1 semester) Project Measures Number of participants/group size About participants (50+) and students of Potsdam University A ratio of 1:1 (participants: students) is to be aimed A regular team consists of two seniors and two students June 28th 2011
6 Project Measures Practical work: Participants (50+ academics) and students of the University work on scientific and topical tasks that are verbalized by companies of Brandenburg Academic courses at Potsdam University Special workshops to train different soft skills and management competencies Individual counseling & coaching June 28th 2011
7 Results participants total women „back to work“ total women company projects summer term winter term 2009/ summer term winter term 2010/ total (target) 57 (52)25 (31)30 (26)16 (16)25 June 28th 2011
8 Possibility for unemployed people to strenghten their soft skills and working abilities on an academic level (fresh & actual knowledge) Enhancing the motivation for further job-seeking Getting back the feeling of “being wanted” by a company Possibility for students to do practical work in a mixed-age team Possibility for companies to find dedicated and skilled employees Companies learn about the high potential of skilled ageing people Who benefits? Ageing unemployed people University students Companies Added Value June 28th 2011
9 Qualified trainers and coaches, Appropriate knowledge transfer on high academic level Practical work with companies; „real“ projects → highly motivated participants Utilization of existing networks (chamber of commerce, local politics, trade associations and other regional partners) Commitment of Potsdam University and the regional employment agency Factors of Success June 28th 2011
10 Obstacles There has to be a close cooperation with the employment agency to recruit participants The selection of the small companies involved has to be implemented very carefuly The participation in university lectures and workshops and the feasibility of the creative team work has to be ensured June 28th 2011
11 Transferability This project is easily transferable to other European regions. Points to be considered: Suitable institution (University) to run the project Solid funding (no co-payment by the participants) Duration of the qualification: 6 month Motivation of the participants to be qualified on an academic level Motivation of the companies to accompany a team of students and unemployed graduates Eventually co-payment by the companies June 28th 2011
12 Standards and Indicators Following standards and indicators are a good benchmark to evaluate the need of the project. Possible Standards: How many open positions can not be filled and how many unemployed skilled people (50+) can not find a new job? Possible Indicators: Number of open positions Number of unemployed academics (50+) Development of the unemployment rate 50+ June 28th 2011
13 Summary The project was directly caused by the demographic change in the region. It aimed at finding solutions to meet the challenges of demographic change and skills shortage. It is suitable to give unemployed skilled people (50+) a new professional perspective. We hope to be able to continue this very successfull project in Brandenburg and wish to find numbers of imitators in all european regions affected by demographic change and skills shortage. June 28th 2011
14 Contact June 28th 2011 Thank you for your attention Campus of Generations UP Transfer GmbH at the University of Potsdam Knowledge and Technology Transfer Am Neuen Palais Potsdam Telefon: 0049 (0)