The -isms By: Jack Basnight
Romanticism Romanticism is a type of writing where the story is filled with much more emotion than other types of writing. An example of this would be The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe. This image fits the criteria because “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe is a perfect example of romanticism.
Realism Literary realism is a type of writing where the author tries his best to depict everyday life as realistically as possible. A good example of this would be The Red Badge of Courage. This image fits the description of realism because The Red Badge of Courage is an excellent example of realism.
Naturalism Naturalism is where the author tries his best to show what ordinary peoples lives are like. The Pact is a good example of this –ism. This picture fits very well for this because doctors live normal lives just like everyone else does.
Gothic Is a genre of literature that emphasizes on horror and romance. Dante’s Inferno is a good example of gothicism even though it was written before its time. This picture of the devil is perfect for gothic because Dantes Inferno takes place in hell.