Mesa Verde Quiz Mesa Verde 1. What does Mesa Verde mean? 2. What year were the cliff-dwellings at MV found by white-settlers?
Anasazi 3. Describe what they looked like (height, hair and skin color).
BasketMakers 4. Name one thing that the BasketMakers grew. 5. What type of housing did they have? 6. What was their main weapon?
Modified BasketMakers 7. What replaced the weapon of the Basket Makers? 8. What did they create to help in their cooking since baskets werent effective? 9. What type of housing did they have?
Developmental Pueblo 10. What type of housing did they have? 11. What was the house called that was used for ceremonies? 12. How do we know they traded with someone in the south?
Classic Pueblo 13. What type of homes did they have?
End of an Era 14. What year marked the end of the Mesa Verde people? 15. There are 4 supposed reasons why they left. Name one.