It has been said that the environment should act as a kind of aquarium which reflects the ideas, ethics, attitudes and cultures of the people who live in it. This is what we are working toward. - Loris Malaguzzi
What are the rights of children in our classroom? Physical cognitive Emotional Social
Parent- Teacher as Researcher Listen Observe Record Hypothesize
What is emerging?What is emerging? At school/At home: Interests Inspirations Emotional projects
The structure we have been moving towards 9-9:30 Connection/gathering/plan for the day 9:30-11:30 Open flow: Reading/Writing/Math/ Science/Social Studies 11:30-12:00 Physical Education 12-12:30 Lunch 12:30-1:30 Deep learning/Projects 1:30 Clean-up /jobs/ reflection 2:00 Good-byes
How will students plan their exploration? Student plan
What will be necessary for this to be successful? Self-regulation Multiple adults in guidance roles
Roles of the Parent TeacherRoles of the Parent Teacher 9:30-11:30 The Studio Classroom Supporter 11:30-12:30 Classroom Supporter 12:30-1:30 Club Facilitator 1:30-2:00 Classroom Supporter
Creativity seems to emerge from multiple experiences, coupled with a well supported development of personal resources, including a sense of freedom to venture beyond the known. - Loris Malaguzzi
What is the role in The Studio?What is the role in The Studio? Help students explore big ideas and concepts detailed in our curriculum plan or emerging interests Introduction to and support in using multiple art media Documentation of conversations, questions, learning
What is the role of the Classroom Supporter? To pay attention to the needs of the students by: Focusing on unsettled children Guiding students to select and stay with an activity Keeping track of who used which materials
Rights / ResponsibilitiesRights / Responsibilities Making sure the group learning environment is supported by: Using a regular voice Using walking feet Cleaning up Checking in with each other
How do we continue to make sure we are meeting our students’ social-emotional needs?
What is the role of a Project Facilitator? To extend and build upon the the emerging interests and questions discovered during Deep Learning/Open Flow/Park Day To share your passions, interests, talents To document conversations, questions and learning in order to reflect on where students want to go next 1 or more is a club!
Connections… How will you be connected to a student’s individual plan for the day? Pocket chart Student plan
Based on the emerging interests identified earlier… What project do you see yourself helping to establish?
Projects to move forward onProjects to move forward on Brown/gold Blue/Purple Red/Pink Green Black/gray/ White/ silver Yellow/orange