Country Visit LT Towards a Shared Environmental Information System SEIS Bernt Röndell
Country Visit LT Outline presentation Scope of SEIS and country visits SEIS components - building blocks Benefits and costs Implementation Next steps
Country Visit LT Scope SEIS country visit LT To exchange ideas about the proposed SEIS concept To collect input for the impact assessment of SEIS To discuss concerns related to costs and benefits To prepare the drafting of the EC implementation plan
Country Visit LT Scope SEIS Improve Modernise Streamline the present information systems
Country Visit LT Acquis Env./Sector Policy (TERM, EERM,AERM, CSI, SDI) Strategic Policies 6 th EAP SDS (Climate Change/Adaptation Biodiversity / Ecosystems Environment & Health Sustainable Use of Resources) 1970s 2020 Compliance assessments Indicator assessments Integrated assessments In- situ In- situ statistics geospatial geospatial modelling modelling Inspire GMES GMES Evolution of environmental information flow
Country Visit LT Live Information Systems The current data flows Member statesOrganisations Member states Organisations From Reporting to Online Services
Country Visit LT Principles Data and information should be managed as close as possible to its source; collected once and shared with others for many purposes; readily available to public authorities and enable them to easily fulfil reporting obligations; accesible to enable end-users to make comparisons at the appropriate geographic scale and to participate meaningfully in the development and implementation of environmental policy; available to the general public after due consideration of the appropriate level of aggregation, given possible confidentiality constraints, and at national level in the national language(s).
Country Visit LT S 1. S haring Political commitment (legislation) Partnership (win-win) Networking (connecting) EI 2. E nvironmental I nformation Horizontal integration (content) Vertical integration (local to global) Online access - real time For policy makers and public S 3. S ystem Existing ICT Infrastructure New e-Services From EEA’s perspective SEIS is about...
Country Visit LT Data and information services Reportnet, ICT, Inspire, Kopernikus... SEIS components – EEA node emvironmental data centres EEA Data and Information products Air Land use Integerated prod. Climate Change Biodiversity Soil ForestsWaste Water Natural resources... Networking, Eionet, Group of 4, EPAs, agreements, country visits...
Country Visit LT European data centres
Country Visit LT Building blocks SEIS
Country Visit LT Understanding the context GMES Inspire SEIS
Country Visit LT Different focus ? Services Business Regulation? Directive Infra structure Infra structure Infra structure Content SEISGMESINSPIRE
Country Visit LT Benefits Better legislation – repealing SRD More consistent and integrated input from Member States More efficient trans boundary & EU-level analyses Better-informed policy discussions Reduced redundancy in reporting and monitoring efforts Reduction in administrative burden and costs Empowerment of citizens Widespread availability of information Increased societal knowledge base Increased availability of data for use by researchers Better profile for the EU in various global fora
Country Visit LT Costs 1.Implementation costs Inspire directive 300 M€/yr (next 10 years - EU) 2.Changes in organisational and business models ? (tbd) 3.Conversion towards interoperable distributed networks ? (tbd) 4.Other?
Country Visit LT Group of 4 SEIS Implementation Plan - Outline Political commitment around the principles Priority to implementation INSPIRE and further development Kopernikus Possible legislative proposal Prioritising data and information needs Further harmonization of existing monitoring systems Centre of EEA’s strategy
Country Visit LT Towards a SEIS legal instrument: Objectives and Scope Embody legal commitment to SEIS principles Connect existing fragmented reporting mechanisms/systems..towards e-reporting based on the SEIS Ensure timely availability of information and data Repeal/streamline obsolete/overlapping requirements Exploit opportunities offered by ICT and maximise cost- effectiveness of information-related investments Scope: information provided by Member States under Community environmental legislation
Country Visit LT Mechanism for information exchange: Towards a distributed EU eReporting tool For all information provided by MSs under Community environmental law, Member States must: ensure information is made available in electronic form, using available web-based technology inform Commission which organisation or authority is responsible for making the information available, and where the information can be found. This mechanism will replace all existing reporting mechanisms
Country Visit LT SEIS nodes MSs could be obliged to provide a single national, web-based register providing access to all required information Registers to be connected to EU SEIS portal developed by Commission/EEA Competent authority to set up, operate, maintain and upgrade register/portal
Country Visit LT Reporting performance EEA Priority Data Flows SEIS in practice at EEA (I) % of data reported
Country Visit LT SEIS in practice at EEA (II)
Country Visit LT SEIS in practice at EEA (III)
Country Visit LT New EC funded projects supporting SEIS implementation NESIS Network to enhance a European Environmental Shared and Interoperable Information System HARMON Baseline assessment of the operational capacity of the EU27 MS to collect data required for the implementation of the environmental acquis.
Country Visit LT Next steps SEIS Task Force with Member States first meeting (29 Sep 08), next meeting March 09 Candidates 2 subgroups (legal + ICT) EEA new strategy EEA Management Board - 26 Nov 08 Review Eionet EC legislative proposal Spring 2009 SEIS implementation plan EEA/Eionet continuing... EC 2010