FNR Foresight
Agenda EWS plenary session 9:00OpeningRomain Henrion, FNR president 9:10Mme Octavie Modert, Secrétaire d’état à la Culture, à l’Enseignement supérieur et à la Recherche 9:20Foresight exerciseFrank Glod, FNR 9:40Preliminary results and EWS methodology François Farhi, CMI 10:15Coffee Break EWS Strategy parallel sessions 10:30Strategy options parallel workshops 11:45Coffee Break EWS plenary session 12:00Strategy options feedback 13:00Lunch
Agenda EWS thematic parallel sessions 14:00Research priorities parallel session 16:45Coffee Break EWS Wrap up plenary session 17:00M. François Biltgen, Ministre de la Culture, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche 17:15Presentation of the results of the parallel groups discussions 18:00Drinks Reception
Aim of the exercise ■Identification of research domains in the public sector with short-term and/or long-term socio- economic interest for Luxembourg society ■New FNR programmes including: Programme priority axes Programme objectives ■Clarification and dissemination of strategic aim of FNR programmes among stakeholders ■Consolidation of communication networks amongst stakeholders
FNR Foresight outline FNR Programme Evaluation Mapping R&D in Luxembourg Trends at international level Diagnosis Building Strategic Options Background data report Strategy & Priority Building Exploratory Workshop FNR Board and Scientific Council meeting Stakeholder interviews Questionnaires Young researchers workshop Data analysis Data collection Recommendations to the Ministry FNR programmes (Domain Foresight) Implementation Internet Forum
Workpackage 1 FNR Programme Evaluation Analysis of the FNR programme logic model Operational and management effectiveness Programme selection Project evaluation FNR programme outputs and outcomes Recommendations for future FNR programmes
Workpackage 2 Luxembourg R&D Mapping ■Provides an overview of Lux. R&D landscape Main socio-economic trends Description of the public research actors R&D indicators Policy instruments for public & private sector Interview statements Need of a clear strategic vision Define role of research actors More international collaboration (Grande Région)
Workpackage 3 International Trends ■Analysis of 12 comparator countries: Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Denmark, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Japan, Malta, United States Overview of public research system Thematic priorities Accompanying measures ■Assessment of competition level
Interviews ■Total of 50 2-hour interviews + 9 phone interviews Interviewees Minister & Secretary of State, Members of Parliament (Lux. and EU), Ministries, Agencies 13 CRPS, CEPS, University of Luxembourg, other public inst.: 23 Private sector 17 Universities abroad, Institutions abroad 6
Interviews ■Research activities and organizational structure ■Involvement in FNR projects ■Research outputs achieved ■Views on Lux. Research landscape ■Future Research plans and priorities
Young researchers Workshop ■Collect young researchers views on: Lux. research landscape Identify, validate and assess emerging research priorities ■5 Workshops with 100 participants Physical Sciences and Engineering ICT Biomedical Sciences Environmental Sciences Social Sciences and Humanities ■Response of young researchers ambivalent: « Good to be asked » (never been before) Did not know what to answer (« not the right people to ask ») A lot of current problems raised (administration, collaboration, etc.) follow-up important to get young researchers to « think foresight »
Online questionnaire Thematic fieldResearch area Research domain Research axis Environmental sciences Global change and ecosystem Water management Drinking water Bio-medical sciences DiseasesCardiovascular diseases Metabolism and the Cv system ICTInfrastructureTelecoms Physical sciences and engineering Knowledge based multifunctional materials Housing and civil engineering Energy efficient buildings Social & human sciences Economy, policies, institutional framework Economy and finance Dynamics of financial wealth creation
Online questionnaire 5 thematic fields: ■Environmental sciences ■Bio-medical sciences ■Information communication technologies ■Physical sciences and engineering ■Social sciences and humanities 15 research areas 54 research domains 3-13 research axes per domain A list of research domains was assembled based on: ■Thematic priorities from the international trends analysis of 12 comparator countries ■Foresight projects conducted by the European Commission ■FNR 2005 call for proposals ■The ongoing foresight process (interviews, workshop)
Online Questionnaire ■Every person interested in research could give their opinion on: Future priorities for public research Expertise level Key research axes Attractiveness of the research domain Scientific base in Luxembourg Current constraints FNR's role in public research in Luxembourg The objectives and impacts of public sector research
Online Questionnaire ■Questionnaire open to a full range of stakeholders Respondants : 298 questionnaires validated (900 people contacted)% CRPs, CEPS, University of Luxembourg, CHL46 Universities abroad, Institutions abroad22 Private sector14 Other public inst.: Museums, Hospitals, Associations, Small institutes, Central bank11 Ministries, Agencies, Chamber of commerce etc7 Male respondants78 Female respondants questionnaires usable
Next Steps: Phase I ■Exploratory Workshop ■Drafting of final Baseline Report ■Decision on research directions to be followed by the Fund on June 16 th ■Recommendations to the Ministry of Culture, Higher Education and Research ■Publication of report in September 2006
Phase II ■Develop thematic recommendations of the Foresight phase I to: FNR programmes Other policy instruments ■Methodolgy: Expert panels Detailed SWOT analyses of research domains Workshops Conferences with foreign/greater region experts Trend analysis Analysis of foreign foresight excercises Delphi survey etc. ■Continue Foresight culture
Dossier content ■Agenda ■Relevant sections from EWS paper Section 3.1 et 3.2.(1, 2, 3,4 or 5) Section 4 (thematic fiches) ■List of participants ■Voting form for strategic options ■Evaluation questionnaire
Voting Form Please place form in boxes provided
Evaluation Form Please place form in boxes provided
Rooms Room NumberStrategy SessionsThematic Sessions F33 1 Physical Sciences and Engineering F 25 2 Biomedical Sciences F27 3 ICT F36 4 Social Sciences and Humanities F24 5 Environmental Sciences
Presentations published on
Agenda EWS plenary session 9:00OpeningRomain Henrion, FNR president 9:10Mme Octavie Modert, Secrétaire d’état à la Culture, à l’Enseignement supérieur et à la Recherche 9:20Foresight exerciseFrank Glod, FNR 9:40Preliminary results and EWS methodology François Farhi, CMI 10:15Coffee Break EWS Strategy parallel sessions 10:30Strategy options parallel workshops 11:45Coffee Break EWS plenary session 12:00Strategy options feedback 13:00Lunch
Agenda EWS thematic parallel sessions 14:00Research priorities parallel session 16:45Coffee Break EWS Wrap up plenary session 17:00M. François Biltgen, Ministre de la Culture, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche 17:15Presentation of the results of the parallel groups discussions 18:00Drinks Reception