Arizona Institutions of Higher Education (AZIHE) Network Statewide Online AOD Survey Melissa McGee, Ph.D., MPH University of Arizona AZIHE Network, Chairperson
Background Arizona consortium founded in the early 1990s U.S. DOE Safe & Drug Free Schools Coalition Grant AZ affiliate of the AZ/NV/UT region of The Network AZIHE Network’s ongoing challenge
AZIHE Network Strategic Plan State Outcome Activity 4.A. – “Coordinate college AOD surveillance and assessment efforts across the state.” Mission: “…to provide Network member institutions with broad overall AOD-related goals based on the environmental management model and endorsed and promoted by the U.S. DOE and the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention.”
Launching a Statewide IHE AOD Survey Funding sources PCCHA Dr. Joel Grinolds Grant, regional funds from The Network Goal: To implement a tri-university AOD survey that identifies AOD norms, trends, attitudes, knowledge and efficacy of AOD programming for the majority of Arizona university students. Objective: To collect 1,500 surveys from each university, for a total of 4,500 statewide
Methods Survey development Application for approval from Human Subjects Office Purchase software, domain and host site
Methods (cont.) Request random sample of 6,000 student names and addresses from campus Office of Registration Solicit survey participants Clean data and perform frequency analyses
Arizona College/University AOD Survey Demographics Actual AOD Use Perceived AOD Use Consequences of AOD Use Protective Behaviors Attitudes related to AOD use and relevant issues
Survey Results (N = 4,426) AZ students report lower rates of AOD use than college students nationwide. About a third of students report experiencing negative consequences; most use some type of protective behavior when drinking. Most troubling trends are concentrated among our youngest students – freshmen and students under the age of 21.
Data Supporting Environmental Management Initiatives Support for campus AOD rules and regulations Support for laws and ordinances regarding drinking and driving Support for laws and ordinances maintaining quiet, safe neighborhoods Support for restricting alcohol availability at campus celebration events
Advantages & Disadvantages of Online Surveying Pros Convenient for survey respondent Convenient for survey administrator Convenient for survey evaluator Cons Non-use of university issued account Survey respondent bias