Acceptance criteria, Materials, Methods and Techniques for cooling plant construction DCP WP4 status 3 March 2010
WP4 work breakdown structure
3 March 2010 WP4 work breakdown structure
Leak tightness Studies on different leak search procedures and instrumentation Bibliography search for standards & studies done in refrigeration and vacuum technology Market survey on instrumentation available and filed of application Test set up to calibrate liquid vs gas leaks (testing with gas for guaranteeing liquid leak tightness) Work is on going both at CERN and at Cracow University of Technology WP4/default.aspx 3 March 2010
Leak tightness Methods for leak CERN Pressure drop with reference volume: new set-up being built (expected by May 2010, PH-DT+CMS) Inficon mass spectrometer: new calibration for fluorocarbon on CMS instrument, contacts with supplier for further gas/liquid calibration d%20(0608).pdf (CV & CMS) d%20(0608).pdf Adixen N2/H2 sniffer: plans for testing effects of H2 on joints nocache= (CMS & PH-DT) nocache= He in vacuum mode (PH-DT) Ultrasound leak detector under evaluation in CMS 3 March 2010
Leak tightness Test benches for leak CERN Test bench for liquid vs gas leak test: E. Anttila set up being refurbished ( ) New calibrated leak being produced: few sizes for “leak repair” set-up, smaller sizes using gas chromatography columns 3 March 2010