Cyber-bullying By Dylan Muller
What is it?
Some statistics Cell phone is most common medium for bullying 1 in 10 victims notify an adult of their situation Over 50% of teens have been bullied in some form online Over 25% have been bullied repeatedly Cyber-bullying affects all races!!!!!!!
Suicide 3 rd leading cause of death among young people Accounts for about 4,400 deaths in U.S. annually For every suicide there is 100 attempts Victims are 7-9 times more likely to commit suicide 14% of students have considered it, 7% have attempted it
Effects Sadness and loneliness Changes in sleep and eating patterns Loss of interest in activities
More likely to… Receive poor grades Abuse alcohol and drugs Have significant health problems
Story of Amanda Todd Na24Ahttp:// Na24A
Legislation 2010 – Dignity for all Students Act Took effect July 1, 2012