Community Health Improvement in Action (CHIA)
CHIA Overview What is the CHIA project? What distinguishes funded partners from other participants? What are our first steps? Q and A
CHIA Funding provided by the UW School of Medicine and Public Health from the Wisconsin Partnership Program $400,000 three-year grant (June May 2017) Funded Partners: Wisconsin Association of Local Health Departments and Boards (WALHDAB) UW Population Health Institute
Some of our Key Partners 4
CHIA Project Goal Strengthen communities’ capacity to implement and evaluate effective community health improvement activities – Applied to unhealthy and risky alcohol use Build momentum toward statewide or regional impact
60/72 Counties Prioritized Alcohol Sept. 2014, UW Pop. Health
CHIA objectives respond to community-identified needs Increased knowledge and skills to develop, implement, and evaluate policy, systems and environmental change Increased use of evidence-based interventions and evaluation plans More coordinated state or regional efforts
CHIA will build a Community of Practice (CoP) In-person: – 2 Statewide Summits (fall 2015, fall 2016) – Expert-facilitated training
CHIA will build a CoP Electronically: – 10 Webinars – A Google Group online forum – Conference calls
CHIA CoP Participants will use CHIA tools that address unhealthy and risky alcohol use: – Updated pick list of evidence-based practices – Community dashboard models to measure progress – A shared logic model to build momentum toward statewide or regional impact
Benefits of Participation in the CoP Knowledge about policy, systems and environmental change and sources for evidence-based strategies. Skills to develop local policies and advocate for their implementation. Quality and focus of local plans’ specific objectives, action steps, and evaluation plans. Use of evidence-based interventions.
Benefits of Participation in the CoP Ability to engage participants from multiple sectors in community health improvement activities Capacity to lead community health assessment and improvement plans and processes Readiness for accreditation (for local health departments and tribal health entities). Compliance with IRS requirements (for hospitals).
Some CHIA CoP Activities Available to All Webinars Summits Online forum
Funded Partner Communities 18 communities will also receive: – In-person training – Technical assistance – Free summit registration for up to 4 participants per community – $2,200 to support participation
Help us Measure CHIA’s Impact Deliverables: – Pre/Post project assessment – Short surveys After each activity (webinars, trainings, summits) or every 6 months (online forum) – Focus group participation
First Steps
Online Forum: Google Group Today’s webinar participants and funded partner lead contacts will be directly added to the CHIA Google Group- No need to sign up Please introduce yourself by answering our New Member Questions
CHIA Google Group: Invite Others To invite others to join, me with their contact information (name, ) and I will invite them.
Posting via To start a new topic: – Send an to To reply to a post: – “Reply All” to post to the forum – “Reply” will only reach the author of the post
Optional: Use the Google Group Interface You need to have a Google account (Gmail) to use the online interface. – Create one for free at, or use your existing gmail. me with the address and I’ll add your Gmail address to the group.
Use the Google Group Interface Sign in to Google Groups: yhealth yhealth Sign in with or create a free Google account
Contact the Owner to add your Google to the Group
Posting via Google Group interface yhealth yhealth Start a conversation: New Topic
Replying via Google Group interface Click on the post you want to reply to and then “Post Reply.”
CHIA Google Group Invite others: Members > Manage >Invite members
Google Group: Invite Others
Baseline data: Document review Send us a weblink to or a pdf of: – Your community’s most recent CHA, CHIP, and CHNA(s). – All related work/action plans to implement community health improvement activities. – All related evaluation plans to measure the process and impact outcomes of the community health improvement plan(s). – Any interim reports of your community’s progress to implement your CHIP.
Baseline Data: Survey About 20 questions re: your community health improvement effort
Technical Assistance Contacts Call or me anytime with questions. After reviewing baseline data, I will contact you to discuss: – Your current challenges and opportunities – Your plans for the next few months
First In-Person Training and Webinar This quarter… stay tuned! – Poll for dates
Questions? Visit Resources for Improving Community Health: Contact Sara Jesse: or